100+ Best Alex Rodriguez Quotes on Success


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Looking for the best Alex Rodriguez quotes of all time? In this post, you’ll discover the ultimate collection of 100+ famous Alex Rodriguez quotes to inspire and motivate you.

Best Alex Rodriguez Quotes featured

Here is a collection of the best Alex Rodriguez quotes to inspire and motivate you to achieve success.

Alex Rodriguez is an American former professional baseball shortstop and third baseman who played 22 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB), as well as a businessman and philanthropist.

Below are some of Alex Rodriguez’s quotes that will motivate you to follow your dreams and achieve success.

Best Alex Rodriguez quotes of all time

Below you’ll find some of Alex Rodriguez best quotes of all time:

“Always follow your dreams, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be something.”

Alex Rodriguez

“Anyone can forget about talent, but if you’re a good person, your name will be remembered a long time.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Be respectful. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Respect the lowest rank and the highest rank and you’ll never get in trouble.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Enjoy your sweat because hard work doesn’t guarantee success, but without it, you don’t have a chance.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Getting the contract helped me more than anything. I was concerned around the trading deadline and thought the Mariners would trade me for either (Jaime) Moyer or (Pat) Hentgen.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’d rather have a Gold Glove (Award) than a Silver Slugger (Award). Defense is so much more of a team game and one of my goals this year was to make fewer than twenty-five errors.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I love the challenge of the game. I love the work. My goal right now is to have a season next year that will make people forget about this one. I’ll use things like this for motivation. I’m pumped. I’m hungry.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’m a terrible singer. I feel lucky to play baseball. You can’t be gifted in everything.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’m excited (after hitting for the cycle), but I guess it hasn’t hit me yet. I’m only the second Mariner to do it and the other is Jay Buhner, who can’t run.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’m having a hard time finding a date. I don’t trust any women I meet. I’m very skeptical.” – Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez Motivational Quotes

“I’m not a real vocal guy, but sometimes you need to kick someone in the ass.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’m not impulsive at all — except about buying clothes. That’s my biggest weakness.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I need to make more contact. I struck out more than one-hundred times. I can cut down on my errors and I’d like to steal thirty or forty bags. I made a lot of dumb baserunning mistakes this year.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I want to be known as a good major-leaguer, and good major-leaguers work to become good.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I want to step forward. I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes doing it. If I do, too bad.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Keep reading books, stay in school. I encourage kids to read as much as they can, I challenge you to read a book every two weeks, like I try to.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Last year I would have paid anything to watch a Major League game. This year I’m playing in one.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Leadership is a role you have to earn in order to be effective.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Like I say, it’s almost embarrassing to talk about. I don’t know if Michael Jordan or Bill Gates or Alexander the Great or anyone is worth this type of money, but that’s the market we’re in today. That’s what Mr. Hicks decided to pay me, and now it’s time to pay him back and win a couple championships.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Looks aren’t the number one thing. They have to have class, intelligence, then looks. If I was the ugliest SOB in the world it would be a lot easier.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Some things are meant to be and if it was, you will know it.” – Alex Rodriguez

“The only stage I need is the World Series.” – Alex Rodriguez

“There is a difference between image and reputation. Image is nice, reputation is developed over an entire career. Reputation is what I’m searching for.” – Alex Rodriguez

“This whole year has been a learning experience. There are still a lot of areas in which I think I can improve.” – Alex Rodriguez

“We have a responsibility not just as athletes, but as members of society to treat people well. To do things the right way.” – Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez Inspirational Quotes

“We (Derek Jeter and I) want to kill each other. I think we both drive each other and motivate each other. But, when we’re off the field, we’re like family. I think the nice thing about it is we became good friends before we even made it to the big leagues. That makes it more of a healthy relationship.” – Alex Rodriguez

“We (Derek Jeter and I) always talk about getting old, gray, and fat when our careers are over and just having a good time. He’s like me. He wants to have a good time and be a good person. It’s a weird situation for us. It’s just like we’re looking in the mirror. the only difference is I’m on the West Coast and he’s on the East Coast.” – Alex Rodriguez

“What I’ve learned from Cal is to respect the game, respect the fans. Nothing fancy out there. Just do your job.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Why do people sing Take Me Out to The Ballgame when they’re already there?” – Alex Rodriguez

“You can take my cars or my house, just don’t mess with my clothes.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Fear of failure is what fuels me, keeps me on edge and sharp. I’m not as good when I’m comfortable.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I have incredible motivation to go out and improve every day.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I only look forward. I can’t get all caught up in what I’ve done. I still have plenty to accomplish in the game. Hopefully, I’m just scratching the surface.” – Alex Rodriguez

“When you think small and up the middle, good things happen.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I just don’t see the light. Where is the light? What am I in this for?” – Alex Rodriguez

“I don’t care if people like me or not. Respect is more important.” – Alex Rodriguez

“My style is not to challenge anything.” – Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez Quotes on Success

“You can have fun, respect the game and also play it hard. When you have that combination, you’re going to put yourself in a position to be successful.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’m finally beginning to grow up. I’m pretty tired of being stupid and selfish, you know, about myself.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Cash is like oxygen: you need it, but you don’t need too much of it. You’d rather have your money in great businesses.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Stay away from drugs and alcohol and all that. Make school a priority. Don’t overlook academics.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Do things the right way” – Alex Rodriguez

“It takes a lot of pressure off you just to go out and play, and your talent sometimes shines even more when you don’t worry about individual stuff.” – Alex Rodriguez

“You must be present to win.” – Alex Rodriguez

“What I learned from Cal, is to respect the game, respect the fans. Nothing fancy out there. Just do your job.” – Alex Rodriguez

“When you take this gorilla and this monkey off your back, you realize that honesty is the only way.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I believe a champion wins in his mind first, then plays the game, not the other way around.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Maintain good balance at the plate and limit movement in your head.” – Alex Rodriguez

“You always dream about being on a baseball card. It’s kind of funny when you finally see it.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I have to be better.” – Alex Rodriguez

“You don’t have to be remembered for those mistakes. How you come back matters too. Now is the best time to be an entrepreneur, an athlete, an artist. As a young person entering the workforce, do not think in a limited way. Think in big possibilities, and no pun intended, swing for the fences.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Therapy can be a good thing; it can be therapeutic.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I want to be the best. You have to earn what you get, and you have to work to keep it.” – Alex Rodriguez

“You can never be perfect in this game. Until you hit 1.000 and make no errors, you can always improve.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Like everyone else, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life. The only way I know how to handle them is to learn from them and move forward.” – Alex Rodriguez

“There’s no question about it. Think small, concentrate on doing the small things, and the big things will come.” – Alex Rodriguez

“This is how I define grace: you’re on the main stage, and it looks like it has been rehearsed 100 times, everything goes so smoothly. That’s where I get my confidence and success, from knowing that I have an edge because I know I’m prepared.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Winners live in the present tense. People who come up short are consumed with the future or past. I want to be living in the now.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I hate the word ‘potential’ – potential means you haven’t gotten it done.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Fielding is 100 percent concentration. You really have to concentrate from the time the pitcher releases the ball to when contact is made. Always be aggressive.” – Alex Rodriguez

“And that crushing can be very inspiring.” – Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez Quotes on Baseball

I want to be known as Dominican-that’s what I am, 100 percent … I have a duty and responsibility to continue the legacy of Dominicans in baseball.” – Alex Rodriguez

With what has occurred in my life, the baseball field is where I feel most comfortable. That’s what I feel I was born to do and it’s what I do best.” – Alex Rodriguez

I truly believe my job starts the minute I leave the baseball field. Going out and catching ground balls and hitting, that’s a job, and that’s what I’ve wanted to do ever since I was a kid. But when you think about leaving that field, that’s when the job and the demands really start. In New York, Seattle, every city. The community, the media, business stuff. You have to stay on a narrow path.” – Alex Rodriguez

I’ve never felt overmatched on the baseball field. I’ve always been a very strong, dominant position. And I felt that if I did my work as I’ve done since I was, you know, a rookie back in Seattle, I didn’t have a problem competing at any level. So, no.” – Alex Rodriguez

Baseball has a funny way to tap you on the shoulder when you least expect it and tells you it’s the end.” – Alex Rodriguez

It is hard to ignore that is reality. But, at the same time, it still comes down to sound baseball decisions, farm systems and then execution on the field by the players. There are a lot of components to that (other) than just saying it is the highest salary.” – Alex Rodriguez

I will say this: when you take any substance, especially in baseball, it’s half mental and half physical. If you take this glass of water and you say, ‘I’m going to be a better baseball player,’ then you probably will be.” – Alex Rodriguez

I’m very thankful to the Yankees and to Major League Baseball for allowing me to play this game.” – Alex Rodriguez

My father played baseball. That’s what I know to do. That’s my gift. God has given me the greatest gift. And that’s what I love to do.” – Alex Rodriguez

All I want to do is play baseball.” – Alex Rodriguez

There’s absolutely no comparisons to me or anyone else to Willie Mays. Willie Mays, he’s the greatest baseball player of all time.” – Alex Rodriguez

In baseball 30 days is an eternity.” – Alex Rodriguez

I went over a year without playing baseball. At 39, not playing for a year, a year and a half, there were a lot of nights I was saying, ‘This is going to be tough.’” – Alex Rodriguez

The more you play baseball, the less depends on your athletic ability. It’s a mental war more than anything.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’ve been Michael Jordan in Latin countries for years. I know what I mean to all Latinos and what this game means to them. Baseball is in their blood.” – Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez Quotes on Sports

“When I grew up, baseball was the No. 1 sport.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Babe Ruth is an icon, in sports and in our society.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Playing the game was the easy part. The real work was in the preparation.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’ve done a lot of special things in this game, and for none of that to be considered clutch, it’s an injustice.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I do my best hitting when I’m walking. That means I’m relaxed and my pitch recognition is a lot better.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I guess anytime you are mentioned with Hank Aaron, it is the ultimate compliment, not only as a hitter, but obviously, the great ballplayer that he was.” – Alex Rodriguez

“No player should have to go through what I have been dealing with, and I am exhausting all options to ensure not only that I get justice, but that players’ contracts and rights are protected through the next round of bargaining.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Michael Jordan told me the way he kept the crown was by always outworking everyone else because he knew everyone was always coming after him. You can sneak up on people when you are 18, 19, 20. It’s tougher when you’re established. Before, I’d see 13, 14, 15 pitches that I could drive in a game. Now, I see one, two or three, so I have to be better.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I like to score and drive in runs more than pay attention to batting average.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Well, Milwaukee is a special place to me. It’s where I started my career playing in Appleton. Getting cheered on the road is something I haven’t been use to.” – Alex Rodriguez

“It’s tougher when you’re established. Before, I’d see 13, 14, 15 pitches that I could drive in a game. Now, I see one, two or three, so I have to be better.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I don’t expect people to feel sorry for me. My teammates get more upset about the criticism and booing than I do.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Not one day goes by when I don’t remind myself of how grateful I am for those who came before me over the last 25 years. When I see players like Mike Schmidt and Johnny Bench, I thank them.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I had the greatest year of my career in 2007. It’s a year that I’m very proud of.” – Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez Quotes on Winning

“I’m focussing on what I haven’t attained, not what I have. A lot has come to me early. I don’t want to get consumed with that. Winners live in the present tense. People who come up short are consumed with future or past. I want to be living in the now. My goal is to play one full game in the now, but I haven’t even gotten past the first inning yet. I start thinking about where my mom is or if my dogs have been fed. The average human has 2,000 thoughts a day. The really accomplished have 1,500 because you can focus longer. I need to learn how to focus longer.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Whether I hit .260 or .320, the bottom line here is to win.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’ve never experienced- besides the birth of my two daughters-the feeling of winning a world championship in New York in the new stadium. It’s something I’ll never forget.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Eventually, my W-2 income will wind down, and my investments can actually make that up.” – Alex Rodriguez

“If my team could win and I hit .240, I wouldn’t care. The only thing I want to do is win. That’s what I play the game for.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Now I just have an opportunity to come out and play baseball and have fun, really continue to focus on what I did in ’09—divorce myself of personal achievements and really buy into the whole team concept of winning ballgames. What can I do today to help the team win? It was the greatest year of my baseball career.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I feel like I owe the Yankee fan base my A-game.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I just want to be able to communicate with my fan base.” – Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez Quotes about Career

“I had a great year and left my guts out on the field.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I want to build a positive image that will last my career.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’ve learned in my career, it is much better to be recognized for all the great things you do on the field.” – Alex Rodriguez

“People now are beginning to cheer for me. I’ve never heard that before. .. Maybe things are turning a bit.” – Alex Rodriguez

“When I entered the pros, I was a young kid in the major leagues. I was 18 years old, right out of high school. I thought I knew everything, and I clearly didn’t.” – Alex Rodriguez

“No athlete ever ends his or her career the way you want to. We all want to play forever. But it doesn’t work that way. Accepting the end gracefully is part of being a professional athlete.” – Alex Rodriguez

“How can I ever dog Derek Jeter? It’s impossible. There is nothing to knock. He’s a great defensive player. He’s a great offensive player.” – Alex Rodriguez

“What I found is that experience in the World Series made me connect more with the fans.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’m never happy with my performance.” – Alex Rodriguez

“When I arrived in Texas in 2001, I felt an enormous amount of pressure. I felt like I had all the weight of the world on top of me, and I needed to perform, and perform at a high level every day.” – Alex Rodriguez

“It’s a game that just takes so much out of you. Every aspect of your life has to be very narrow, very focused. Everything else has to go away. And because of that, I think it’s obviously not healthy. The last thing I’m looking for is sympathy.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I take full responsibility for the mistakes that led to my suspension for the 2014 season.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I feel like I’m getting close. I like playing at the Stadium. I like hitting at the Stadium.” – Alex Rodriguez

“It’s important for me to play well down the stretch for this team—and in October.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I was naive, and I wanted to prove to everyone that, you know, I was worth, you know, being one of the greatest players of all time.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I did take a banned substance and, you know, for that I’m very sorry and deeply regretful. I’m sorry for that time. I’m sorry to fans. I’m sorry for my fans in Texas. It wasn’t until then that I ever thought about substance of any kind, and since then I’ve proved to myself and to everyone that I don’t need any of that.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’m looking at 600 like first base. You want to run right through it and use it as a springboard for more to come.” – Alex Rodriguez

“We have a lot of team goals right now. My focus right now is think small, drive in runs and not worry about too much.” – Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez Quotes about Life

“I’m fighting for my life, I have to defend myself. If I don’t defend myself, no one else will.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’ve done a lot of growing up and realized a lot of things.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Back then it was a different culture. It was very loose. I was young. I was stupid.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I just hope that as I get older, I calm down and enjoy the moment, enjoy the great gifts that God has given me.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’m grateful for every day.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I never like to think about going back; I only look forward.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’m guilty for a lot of things.” – Alex Rodriguez

“You get to a point where you get tired of being stupid and selfish and not being honest with yourself.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I have a big scar on my thigh from a dog bite by my German shepherd. His name was Ripper. He was trying to get in a fight with another dog, and I tried to break it up, and he got me pretty good.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’m not giving up. I have tremendous faith, and hopefully there’s a couple more chapters to this book. And hopefully there’s a happy ending somewhere. I have faith.” – Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez Quotes about Family

“My daughters think I am a terrible cook, but I try really hard. I would really like to be a better cook.” – Alex Rodriguez

“The births of my two daughters were the two greatest moments of my life.” – Alex Rodriguez

“My mother’s the most special person in my life … I consider her my MVP: Most Valuable Parent.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I kept thinking my father would come back, But he never did.” – Alex Rodriguez

“If my life depended on it – if my daughter’s life depended on it – I’d want Mariano Rivera closing. Wouldn’t you?” – Alex Rodriguez

“I don’t like talking about my relationships.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I don’t trust anyone except a very, very few people.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I had a very complex childhood, and when I met my wife, because she has a master’s in psychology, she promoted me into getting help. It really has helped. I’m not healed yet, but I’m working on some issues I had as a child.” – Alex Rodriguez

“My girls are great at making fun of Dad. They’re never impressed with anything I do. I love that. I hope that never changes.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Having the respect of your peers means the world to me.” – Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez Quotes about New York

“I’ve waited for a long time. The championship is back where it belongs—in New York City.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’ve been humbled. I’ve been through a lot. And I can’t be happier with the way the Steinbrenner family, the coaches and players and the city of New York has supported me.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I love New York.” – Alex Rodriguez

“Walking the streets of New York, a lot of people are cheering me on. It feels good.” – Alex Rodriguez

“There’s no place like New York. And I found out that until you go through it for a season, you really don’t know it.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I think it’s just getting comfortable in New York City, comfortable in your own skin.” – Alex Rodriguez

Famous Alex Rodriguez Quotes

“I’ve played almost 22 years in the major leagues, and I’ve never sat on the bench.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’ve always said I’m a teacher at heart.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I would like to help out in financial literacy for the Hispanic community and the athletic community.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I can’t really decide for other people what to think.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’m part of history.” – Alex Rodriguez

“There are a lot of people who don’t like me.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’ve had a Ph.D. in saying dumb things over the years.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’ve always enjoyed challenges.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I’ve been humbled by the reception I’ve received everywhere.” – Alex Rodriguez

“I like Jay Z, Journey, and Kings of Leon.” – Alex Rodriguez

Quotes about Alex Rodriguez

“Alex is going to be among the elite. If he comes even close to the season he had last year, he’ll be in his own league. You try to compare him to somebody, but you can’t. He is the only one who has done what he has done.” – Alan Trammell

“Alex is playful, enthusiastic, and cheerful. He’s fun to have around.” – Ken Griffey, Jr.

“He is what baseball needs right now. He respects the game, has a lot of class and image most people would pay for. I wish my daughter could marry him, but she’s only two years old.” – Gary DiSarcina

“He learned in one or two years what it took me ten years to learn. He uses the whole field, foul line to foul line.” – Edgar Martinez

“I’m Alex’s biggest fan. I brag on him so much that my teammates are sick and tired of me talking about him. Last year we talked all the time, especially early in the season. We both knew if we didn’t get off to a good start, we might be shipped out.” – Derek Jeter

“Last season, Alex probably did Edgar (Martinez) better than Edgar did. It’s amazing. With Alex, success comes with his strength, with his timing, with his weight shift, with his hands. Another year of two like that, kids will all be copying Alex. A lot of them probably are now.” – Tony Gwynn

“Money and fame are like dust. You aren’t worth anything if you don’t stay the same person you were before you had them.” – Lourdes Navarro (Alex Rodriguez’s mother)

“Of course I voted for him as Player of the Year; who wouldn’t? He took some inside-out swings against us that landed ten rows deep in right-center. He has done some amazing things at the most demanding position other than catcher. And he’s what, only twenty-one? When I was twenty-one, I was sitting in class thinking I was going to be a high school teacher. He’s out winning a batting title.” – Gary DiSarcina

“The great thing is that he’s always looking to improve. How good can he be? Well, we’re talking about a guy who is Hall of Fame caliber.” – Lou Piniella

FAQs | Motivational Alex Rodriguez quotes

Here are some frequently asked questions about Alex Rodriguez quotes.

Who is Alex Rodriguez?

Alex Rodriguez is an American former professional baseball shortstop and third baseman who played 22 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB), as well as a businessman and philanthropist.

Why is Alex Rodriguez famous?

Alex Rodriguez is famous for playing 22 seasons in the Major League Baseball (MLB), as well as a successful businessman.

Final thoughts on Alex Rodriguez quotes

I hope you enjoyed this ultimate list of the best inspirational Alex Rodriguez quotes to help you achieve success in your business and life.

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

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Alex Rodriguez

#1 YouTuber, businessman & philanthropist

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