200+ Best Muhammad Ali Quotes of All Time


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Here is an ultimate collection of the 200+ best Muhammad Ali quotes of all time Let’s dive right in. Muhammed Ali’s Best Quotes of All Time Here are some of Muhammad Ali’s best quotes that you can use for inspiration. “It’s hard to be humble when you’re as great as I am.” – Muhammad Ali…

Best Muhammad Ali Quotes min

Here is an ultimate collection of the 200+ best Muhammad Ali quotes of all time

Let’s dive right in.

Muhammed Ali’s Best Quotes of All Time

Here are some of Muhammad Ali’s best quotes that you can use for inspiration.

“It’s hard to be humble when you’re as great as I am.” – Muhammad Ali

“It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.” – Muhammad Ali

“If you even dream of beating me you’d better wake up and apologize.” – Muhammad Ali

“Braggin’ is when a person says something and can’t do it. I do what I say.” – Muhammad Ali

“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.” – Muhammad Ali

“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.” – Muhammad Ali

“I’m so mean, I make medicine sick.” – Muhammad Ali

“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. His hands can’t hit what his eyes can’t see. Now you see me, now you don’t. George thinks he will, but I know he won’t.” – Muhammad Ali

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammad Ali

“I’m young; I’m handsome; I’m fast. I can’t possibly be beat.” – Muhammad Ali

“Don’t count the days; make the days count.” – Muhammad Ali

“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it—then I can achieve it.” Jesse Jackson said this as early as 1983, according to the Associated Press, and Ali used it in his 2004 book.” – Muhammad Ali

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” – Muhammad Ali

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” – Muhammad Ali

“A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” – Muhammad Ali

“If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.” – Muhammad Ali

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’”  – Muhammad Ali

 “At home I am a nice guy: but I don’t want the world to know. Humble people, I’ve found, don’t get very far.” – Muhammad Ali

“A man who has no imagination has no wings.”  – Muhammad Ali

“I am the astronaut of boxing. Joe Louis and Dempsey were just jet pilots. I’m in a world of my own.” – Muhammad Ali

 “I’ve wrestled with alligators. I’ve tussled with a whale. I did handcuff lightning. And throw thunder in jail.” – Muhammad Ali

 “Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just plain wrong.” – Muhammad Ali

“It’s not bragging if you can back it up.” – Muhammad Ali

“I’m the most recognized and loved man that ever lived cuz there weren’t any satellites when Jesus and Moses were around, so people far away in the villages didn’t know about them.” – Muhammad Ali

“It’s just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up.” – Muhammad Ali

“I’m not the greatest, I’m the double greatest.” – Muhammad Ali

“Live everyday as if it were your last because someday you’re going to be right.” – Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Quotes on Life

Muhammad Ali’s thoughts on life for when you need a dose of inspiration and determination.

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” – Muhammad Ali

“I don’t count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count.” – Muhammad Ali

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” – Muhammad Ali

“The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses—behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.” – Muhammad Ali

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” – Muhammad Ali

“It’s lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.” – Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Quotes on Being a Champion

Muhammad Ali’s collection of quotes on being a champion and how you can also be one.

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammad Ali

“It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.” – Muhammad Ali

“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” – Muhammad Ali

“I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was. I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.” – Muhammad Ali

“If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.” – Muhammad Ali

“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.” – Muhammad Ali

“Friendship … is not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” – Muhammad Ali

“I know where I’m going and I know the truth, and I don’t have to be what you want me to be. I’m free to be what I want.” – Muhammad Ali

“A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” – Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Quotes on Islam and Love

Here are some quotes on Islam and Love from the famous Muhammad Ali.

“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them—a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.” – Muhammad Ali

“I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world.” – Muhammad Ali

“There are no pleasures in a fight, but some of my fights have been a pleasure to win.” – Muhammad Ali

“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it—then I can achieve it.” – Muhammad Ali

“At home I am a nice guy: but I don’t want the world to know. Humble people, I’ve found, don’t get very far.” – Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Greatest Quotes

Iconic quotes from Muhammad Ali that will motivate and inspire you.

“To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If not pretend you are.” – Muhammad Ali

“My wealth is in my knowledge of self, love, and spirituality.” – Muhammad Ali

“I’ve made my share of mistakes along the way, but if I have changed even one life for the better, I haven’t lived in vain.” –  Muhammad Ali

“A rooster crows only when it sees the light. Put him in the dark and he’ll never crow. I have seen the light and I’m crowing.” – Muhammad Ali

“Life is so, so short. Bible says it’s like a vapor.” – Muhammad Ali

“When you want to talk about who made me, you talk to me. Who made me is ME.” – Muhammad Ali

“The only thing that matters is submitting to the will of God.” – Muhammad Ali

“When we devote all of our actions to a spiritual goal, everything that we do becomes a prayer.” – Muhammad Ali

“Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars of poverty are fought to map change.” – Muhammad Ali

“Inside of a ring or out, ain’t nothing wrong with going down. It’s staying down that’s wrong.” – Muhammad Ali

“What you are thinking is what you are becoming.” – Muhammad Ali

“What keeps me going is goals.” – Muhammad Ali

“Live everyday as if it were your last because someday you’re going to be right.” – Muhammad Ali

“Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.” – Muhammad Ali

“If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, then they can sure make something out of you.” – Muhammad Ali

“Silence is golden when you can’t think of a good answer.” – Muhammad Ali

“It’s hard to be humble, when you’re as great as I am.” – Muhammad Ali

“It’s just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up.” – Muhammad Ali

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” – Muhammad Ali

“Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters: some die, some get hurt, some go on. You just don’t let yourself believe it will happen to you.” – Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Quotes on Training

Muhammad Ali’s famous quotes about training to motivate you to succeed in any battle you are going through.

“No one knows what to say in the loser’s locker room.” – Muhammad Ali

“Old age is just a record of one’s whole life.” – Muhammad Ali

“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.” – Muhammad Ali

“Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams – they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do – they all contain truths.” – Muhammad Ali

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammad Ali

“I know where I’m going and I know the truth, and I don’t have to be what you want me to be. I’m free to be what I want.” – Muhammad Ali

“I never thought of losing, but now that it’ s happened, the only thing is to do it right. That’s my obligation to all the people who believe in me. We all have to take defeats in life.” – Muhammad Ali

“I wish people would love everybody else the way they love me. It would be a better world.” – Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Quotes On Being Strong

A collection of Muhammad Ali’s quotes to give you additional strength to overcome any obstacle.

“The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” – Muhammad Ali

“A man who has no imagination has no wings.” – Muhammad Ali

“Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just plain wrong.” – Muhammad Ali

“All I can do is fight for truth and justice. I can’t save anybody. He’s a science fiction character, and I’m a real character.” – Muhammad Ali

“Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go ten thousand miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights?” – Muhammad Ali

“What you’re thinking is what you’re becoming.” – Muhammad Ali

“You’re my opposer when I want freedom; You’re my opposer when I want justice; You’re my opposer when I want equality; You won’t even stand up for me in America for my religious beliefs and you want me to go somewhere and fight, but you won’t even stand up for me here at home!” – Muhammad Ali

“If you even dream of beating me you’d better wake up and apologize.” – Muhammad Ali

“Friendship is not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” – Muhammad Ali

“My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother or some darker people or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America.” – Muhammad Ali

“To be able to give away riches is mandatory if you wish to possess them. This is the only way that you will be truly rich.” – Muhammad Ali

“Friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought nor sold, but its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold.” – Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Quotes on His Rivals

Famous Muhammad Ali quotes on what he thinks of his rivals.

“(Joe) Frazier is so ugly he should donate his face to the US Bureau of Wildlife.” – Muhammad Ali

“Frazier is so ugly that when he cries, the tears turn around and go down the back of his head.” – Muhammad Ali

“I always bring out the best in men I fight, but Joe Frazier, I’ll tell the world right now, brings out the best in me. I’m gonna tell ya, that’s one helluva man, and God bless him.” – Muhammad Ali

“I’ve seen George Foreman shadow boxing. And the shadow won.” – Muhammad Ali

“Now you see me, now you don’t. George thinks he will, but I know he won’t!” – Muhammad Ali

“That all you got George?” – Ali to Foreman during the Rumble in the Jungle. – Muhammad Ali

“Sonny Liston is nothing. The man can’t talk. The man can’t fight. The man needs talking lessons. The man needs boxing lessons. And since he’s gonna fight me, he needs falling lessons.” – Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Quotes On Positivity

Below are some quotes from Muhammad Ali about positivity to give you that extra boost.

“I said I was ‘The Greatest,’ I never said I was the smartest!” – Muhammad Ali

“Wisdom is knowing when you can’t be wise.” – Muhammad Ali

“I wanted to use my fame and this face that everyone knows so well to help uplift and inspire people around the world.” – Muhammad Ali

“When it comes to love, compassion, and other feelings of the heart, I am rich.” – Muhammad Ali

“It’s in my blood to be around people while I was training.” – Muhammad Ali

“I am an ordinary man who worked hard to develop the talent I was given. I believed in myself, and I believe in the goodness of others.” – Muhammad Ali

“The fight is won or lost far away from the witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road; long before I dance under those lights.” – Muhammad Ali

“We spend more time learning how to make a living than we do learning to make a life.” – Muhammad Ali

“All through my life, I have been tested. My will has been tested, my courage has been tested, my strength has been tested. Now my patience and endurance are being tested.” – Muhammad Ali

“I don’t trust anyone who’s nice to me but rude to the waiter. Because they would treat me the same way if I were in that position.” – Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Motivational Quotes

Best Muhammad Ali quotes that will motivate you in your journey towards the path of success.

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” – Muhammad Ali

“It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.” – Muhammad Ali

“The man who has no imagination has no wings.” – Muhammad Ali

“Inside of a ring or out, ain’t nothing wrong with going down. It’s staying down that’s wrong.” – Muhammad Ali

“To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are.” – Muhammad Ali

“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill, and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.” – Muhammad Ali

“There’s nothing wrong with getting knocked down, as long as you get right back up.” – Muhammad Ali

“Enjoy your children, even when they don’t act the way you want them to.” – Muhammad Ali

“To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If not pretend you are.” – Muhammad Ali

“It’s lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.” – Muhammad Ali

“People will know you’re serious when you produce.” – Muhammad Ali

“Children make you want to start life over.” – Muhammad Ali

“Old age is just a record of one’s whole life.” – Muhammad Ali

“You’re not going to enjoy every minute of the journey, but the success you’ll find at the end will make it all worth it.” – Muhammad Ali

“Champions come and go, but to be legendary you got to have heart, more heart than the next man, more than anyone in the world.” – Muhammad Ali

“I am an ordinary man who worked hard to develop the talent I was given.” – Muhammad Ali

“What counts in the ring is what you can do after you’re exhausted. The same is true of life.” Muhammad Ali

“Whatever the challenge was, however unattainable the goal may have seemed, I never let anyone talk me out of believing in myself.” – Muhammad Ali

“True success is reaching our potential without compromising our values.” – Muhammad Ali

“To be able to give away riches is mandatory if you wish to possess them. This is the only way that you will be truly rich.” – Muhammad Ali

“It’s hard to beat a guy when he’s got his mind made up that he’s going to win.” – Muhammad Ali

“Once the choice is made, do not look back, do not second-guess your decisions.” – Muhammad Ali

“Live everyday as if it were your last because someday you’re going to be right.” – Muhammad Ali

“What you are thinking is what you are becoming.” – Muhammad Ali

“Rest but never quit. Even the sun has a sinking spell each evening. But it always rises the next morning.” – Muhammad Ali

“Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don’t be afraid to take that first step.” – Muhammad Ali

“I try to learn as much as I can because I know nothing compared to what I need to know.” – Muhammad Ali

“I’ve never really resented hard work because I’ve always liked it. Up every morning for roadwork. Going to the gymnasium every day at 12 o’clock. I never change my pattern.” – Muhammad Ali

“The greatest victory in life is to rise above the material things that we once valued most.” – Muhammad Ali

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” – Muhammad Ali

“Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just plain wrong.” – Muhammad Ali

“Silence is golden when you can’t think of a good answer.” Muhammad Ali 

“Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” – Muhammad Ali 

“What keeps me going is goals.” – Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Inspirational Quotes 

Here are some of the best inspirational quotes by the famous Muhammad Ali.

“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” – Muhammad Ali

“Real success comes when we rise after we fall.” – Muhammad Ali

“Success is not achieved by winning all the time. Real success comes when we rise after we fall.” – Muhammad Ali

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” – Muhammad Ali

“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.” – Muhammad Ali

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammad Ali

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” – Muhammad Ali

“You could be the world’s best garbage man, the world’s best model; it don’t matter what you do if you’re the best.” – Muhammad Ali

“Wouldn’t it be a beautiful world if just 10 percent of the people who believe in the power of love would compete with one another to see who could do the most good for the most people?” – Muhammad Ali

“What I suffered physically was worth what I’ve accomplished in life.” – Muhammad Ali

“Every day is different, and some days are better than others, but no matter how challenging the day, I get up and live it.” – Muhammad Ali

“I had it in my heart. I believed in myself, and I had confidence. I knew how to do it, had natural talent and I pursued it.” – Muhammad Ali

“You don’t lose if you get knocked down; you lose if you stay down.” – Muhammad Ali

“I can’t see what God’s plan is. I just know I’ve got to live with it.” – Muhammad Ali

“There are billions of people in the world, and every one of them is special. No one else in the world is like you.” – Muhammad Ali

“Whoever knocks persistently, ends by entering.” – Muhammad Ali

“I do a lot of reading, a lot of studying. I ask questions, I’ll go out, travel these countries, I’ll watch how their people live, and I learn.” – Muhammad Ali

“I run on the road long before I dance under the lights.” – Muhammad Ali

“Christians are my brothers, Hindus are my brothers, all of them are my brothers. We just think different and believe different.” – Muhammad Ali

“No one starts out on top. You have to work your way up.” – Muhammad Ali

“I try not to speak about all the charities and people I help, because I believe we can only be truly generous when we expect nothing in return.” – Muhammad Ali

“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it.” – Muhammad Ali

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion’.” – Muhammad Ali

“Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just plain wrong.” – Muhammad Ali

“The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.” – Muhammad Ali

“Often it isn’t the mountains ahead that wear you out, it’s the little pebble in your shoe.” – Muhammad Ali

“What you’re thinking is what you’re becoming.” – Muhammad Ali

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life” – Muhammad Ali

“The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” – Muhammad Ali

“It’s just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up.” – Muhammad Ali

“Silence is golden when you can’t think of a good answer.” – Muhammad Ali

“It’s lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.” – Muhammad Ali

“Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.” – Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Funny Quotes

Muhammad Ali’s funny quotes will surely give boost to your day!

“My way of joking is to tell the truth. That’s the funniest joke in the world.”  – Muhammad Ali

“My toughest fight was with my first wife.” – Muhammad Ali

“I should be a postage stamp. That’s the only way I’ll ever get licked.” – Muhammad Ali

“He’s (Sonny Liston) too ugly to be the world champ. The world champ should be pretty like me!” – Muhammad Ali

“I don’t care how small the ring is, I’ll fight that chump in a telephone booth.” – Muhammad Ali

“I don’t get hit. I’m the fastest thing on two feet man!” – Muhammad Ali

“Look at me. Look at my nose, perfect shape; lips, face. Now I’m not boasting, but it’s hard to be humble when you’re as pretty as I am.” – Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali Quotes – FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about Muhammad Ali quotes.

Who was Muhammad Ali?

Muhammad Ali was a professional boxer and one of the most significant sporting figures of the 20th century.

What is Muhammad Ali famous for?

Muhammad Ali is famous for his career as a professional boxer and his impact on the sport of boxing.

Which Of These Muhammad Ali Quotes Was Your Favorite?

I hope you enjoyed this epic list of the best inspirational Muhammad Ali quotes.

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