100+ Best Codie Sanchez Quotes on Business & Success


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Looking for the best Codie Sanchez quotes of all time? In this post, you’ll discover the ultimate collection of 100+ famous Codie Sanchez quotes to inspire and motivate you.

100+ Best Codie Sanchez Quotes

Are you looking for the most inspirational Codie Sanchez quotes of all time? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Codie Sanchez is an entrepreneur, investor, and founder of Contrarian Thinking. With a background in journalism, private equity, and venture capital, she’s known for her unconventional investment strategies.

In this article, you’ll discover a collection of 100+ of the most inspiring and best Codie Sanchez quotes to inspire and motivate you to achieve success in your business and life (be sure to check out the FAQ section for some bonus content as well).

Let’s get started.

Best Codie Sanchez quotes of all time

Here are some of the best Codie Sanchez quotes of all time to inspire you.

“Don’t be afraid to be different. The world needs more contrarians.”

codie sanchez profile

Codie Sanchez

Founder & CEO of Contrarian Thinking

“If you do what the average person does, you will be as the average person is.”

“Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, even if it means being the only one.”

“Don’t be afraid to think for yourself. It’s the only way you’ll ever learn anything new.”

“I’m just dumb enough to believe in myself, and smart enough to execute.”

“Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo. It’s the only way progress is made.”

“Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo. It’s the only way progress is made.”

“Don’t be afraid to go against the grain. It’s the only way you’ll ever make a real difference.”

“Companies don’t want you to have multiple revenue streams because then they can’t own you.”

“Don’t be afraid to be original. The world needs more people who are willing to think for themselves.”

“We have become a nation of renters owned by an elite group of owners. We have handed over the reins of our lives to the few who tell us we must be protected not protectors. THAT is my mission. To help more humans become owners, free thinkers and financially free.”

“Everybody wants the hack. Be the person who does the work.”

“Don’t be afraid to be yourself. The world needs more people who are confident and unafraid to stand up for what they believe in.”

“In order to escape the lifestyle that everyone else saw for me I had to move, I had to make changes.”

“Don’t ever let anybody tell you to just wait. Tell them to show you the money.”

“Take the jump sooner. Bet on yourself. The risk-return ratio for when you start a business early is less.”

“You have to be the architect of your own life. The biggest mistake you can make is let somebody else write your story.”

“No one has to give you permission. If you sit around waiting you may never get it. Better to ask for forgiveness.”

“Don’t be afraid to dream big. The only thing limiting you is your own imagination.”

“Patience Tips: 1. Save More Than You Spend. 2. Invest Your Savings. 3. Compound Those Savings.”

The #1 Money Lesson School Failed To Teach You [Escape The Rat Race] | Codie Sanchez

“If you don’t understand debt, you’ll never be truly wealthy.”

“Being unpopular and being okay with it, will set your free. It will teach you that you can speak your mind, and not care what others think.”

“I like my stilettos like I like my margins…. High.”

“Don’t be afraid to take risks. It’s the only way you’ll ever achieve anything worthwhile.”

“Every day bite off more than you can chew… and then chew it.”

“Even when you love your work… It still requires work. Success is not guaranteed.”

“Money is not a constrained resource, at least not if we continue in a capitalistic society. You can earn AS MUCH as you earn. The unfair advantage comes from knowing how to earn.”

“Most people don’t make money because they let not knowing what to do… stop them.”

 “It’s better to be hated than be irrelevant.”

“So I have a rule called the 10x rule, and no this isn’t about doing 10x the work, this is about you focusing on giving 10x more than you receive.”

“You should steal my homework so that you can get to six and seven figures at a younger age than I did. I did a lot of things wrong and I reached it here. So let me tell you, if a public school kid like myself can do it, I don’t see any reason why you can’t too.”

“Money isn’t the goal. The goal is to work when you want, where you want and on what you want.”

“Don’t make decisions based on fear.”

“I don’t know about heaven or hell, but I know that bliss isn’t found in drugs or excess, in sex, or in escaping… it’s found in creating.”

“The idea that we need to “pay our dues” is a lie told to us by people who want our labor on the cheap.”

“A CEO is largely a captain, helping to steer. Small micromovements are critical. One degree off a day will get you lost.”

“If you don’t move your location… you probably will not move your 0’s. The power of place is real. So most people in order to hit that first six-figures, you go to do something drastic. Leaving your hometown may be one of those things.”

“Don’t mistake reading with doing.”

“Remember: You never get what you never ask for.”

“The best business school is… being in business.”

“You’re never too good for a mentor.”

“The path to wealth isn’t always a new social media or AI startup. People eat, sleep, live, and often work outside of the internet. Money is everywhere.”

“Until you have financial freedom you can’t do much, because somebody else owns you.”

“Your fear of losing money is stopping you from making it.”

“Build in public but live in private.”

“No one should ever be surprised when you fire them.”

“When I was first making money the idea of having $100K in savings might as well have been a bajillion dollars.”

“Before you get into entrepreneurship just know…

You will get lied to, cheated, defrauded, tricked, sued and you’ll make plenty of mistakes too.

You’ll be better for it. But it will take its piece of skin. Make sure you’re ready.”

codie sanchez profile

Codie Sanchez

Founder & CEO of Contrarian Thinking

“Be you… the ultimate moat.”

“If you don’t understand debt, you’ll never be truly wealthy.”

“How do you run businesses without losing your mind? Hire well. Pay well. Get out of their way.”

“Never take advice from someone who hasn’t achieved the thing they’re advising about. Incredibly underrated hack.”

“To make money you have to be both contrarian and… right.”

The Money Expert: From $0 to Millions In 2 Years Without Any Hard Work!: Codie Sanchez | E258

“Behind every successful entrepreneur is a bad former manager.”

“Anyone who says owning real estate is passive income has never owned real estate.”

“Consistent good compounds into great. Every time.”

“By yourself, you will never scale.”

“Every time you say ‘one day’ replace it with ‘today’. Your life will 180.”

“Be easy to find; hard to reach.”

“Don’t confuse thinking about work with you doing the work.”

“An odd contradiction:

The strongest men are often the kindest.

The weakest men are often the loudest.”

codie sanchez profile

Codie Sanchez

Founder & CEO of Contrarian Thinking

“Even when you love your work… It still requires work. Success is not guaranteed.”

“Goal: content so good it grows your bank account without your consent.”

“How will teenagers write sentences by themselves in a world where they grew up with ChatGPT?”

“I’m no Mother Theresa. I like the game of money. I love seeing my name up on the scoreboard. But even I know you don’t achieve financial success unless you have a really big WHY. A vision of a different life to fire your engine. A deeper meaning to pull you through when it gets hard.”

“Hard truth: No one cares about you. Everyone cares about what you can do for them.”

“Every job sucks. If you want to do what you love, expect many years of doing things you hate.”

“If you care about your title, you shouldn’t be at a startup.”

“I’ve gotten to a point where drunk people remind me of children.”

“If you know that you were built for more than this… Do yourself one favor, go take the chance.”

“Find those who do instead of talk. Ultra rare characteristic.”

“If no one thinks you’re crazy, you’re too late.”

“I don’t believe your pay is limited by a recession.

It’s limited by:

  • The value you deliver.
  • How replaceable you are.
  • Your negotiating skills.”
codie sanchez profile

Codie Sanchez

Founder & CEO of Contrarian Thinking

“I never set out to be a ‘disruptor’. But man it’s boring doing what everyone else does… and it doesn’t pay well.”

“I’m more convinced than ever that hard work, and getting a little dirty, can lead to massive wealth.”

“I started writing out weekly the thing I didn’t want to do the most, but needed to… I’m not allowed to stop working Friday until it’s done. Big unlock.”

“If you say ‘That’s not part of my job description’, you shouldn’t be at a startup.”

“If you don’t understand taxes, you’ll never be truly wealthy. Owning a small business is the best tax deal in America.”

“If you want to get rich read everything by:

  • Howard Marks
  • Bill Gurley
  • Paul Graham
  • Sam Zell

But also read from greats who lost it all:

  • Bill Gross
  • John Merriweather”
codie sanchez profile

Codie Sanchez

Founder & CEO of Contrarian Thinking

“In your 20s, meet everyone. In your 30s, narrow the field.”

“Markets rhyme, they repeat. At least have a guess to where you stand before you put your money to work.”

“Micromanaging means you hired wrong.”

“Just because you can, doesn’t mean that you should.”

“Most people don’t make money because they do the right thing, just never for long enough.”

“Just. Don’t. Quit. The only three words of advice you need.”

“Money isn’t evil. Money doesn’t care about your country, skin color, or religion. It’s the great equalizer.”

“Most people don’t make money because they play short term games with short term people.”

“Investors who can’t wait, lose all their money to people who can.”

“Most people are shocked to hear I worked less hours at my company doing $100 Million than one doing $10 Million. Leverage.”

“Most people don’t make money because they solve problems, but never big ones.”

“No one remembers the Romans with the biggest bank accounts. We remember those who created something.”

“Number 1 reason I’ll fire someone? They complain more than they solve. Optimists are worth more.”

“The absolute best investors never show you what they hold.”

“People learn more when they want to, than when they’re paid to. Desire > Salary.”

“Most people don’t make money because they invest in assets when they should be investing in themselves.”

Unlock Financial Freedom: Secrets From A $50 Million Portfolio - Codie Sanchez

“Nothing is free, I rarely accept favors because there is usually a price. A lesson I learned from money.”

“Running a company is simply prioritizing problems.”

“Lesson I learned from money. Nothing is free, I rarely accept favors because there is usually a price.”

“One common trait in all my friends worth $25 million plus. They laugh the loudest at jokes told at their expense.”

“Self care isn’t a bubble bath, it’s multiple income streams.”

“Schoolwork gets you hired. Delivered work gets you promoted.”

“The average small business responds to leads in… 48 hours. It is so easy to be top tier.”

“Stop trying to manage your time. Learn to optimize it.”

“Short, high temps don’t cook a turkey. Same way with wealth. Never ever day trade, play long term games.”

“People overcomplicate making money in business.

3 rules to winning:

1. Presell: Get your first 5 orders BEFORE you start.

2. Undercomplicate: If you can’t explain it in one sentence. Don’t do it.

3. Don’t go big or go home. Go small and then scale.”

codie sanchez profile

Codie Sanchez

Founder & CEO of Contrarian Thinking

“The moment you stop doing all you ‘should’ do, and only do what you truly want to do… is when real success oddly happens.”

“The average person thinks having a job is safer than starting a company. They’re wrong.”

“The difference between the über rich and most is the wealthy don’t confuse suggestions with laws.”

“The best leaders fire themselves from as many roles as possible.”

“The only statistic you should care about is time-to-action. Improving your urgency redefines your ability to get sh*t done.”

“The biggest problem in our society today is that we’ve slowly replaced what actually works, with what sounds good.”

“When you’re really good at what you do, you get the freedom to be exactly who you are.”

“There is no more addictive drug than comfort.”

“Why most people don’t make money… They invest in assets when they should be investing in themselves.”

“The path to wealth isn’t always a new social media or AI startup. People eat, sleep, live, and often work outside of the internet. Money is everywhere.”

“The world is run by failed employees.”

“Worrying is just praying for a future you don’t want.”

“You don’t need advice. You need to finish your to do list.”

“There are only two types of humans: Those who do what they say they’re going to do, and everyone else.”

“You have anxiety because deep down you know you could be doing bigger things.”

“My advice to most: Don’t start, buy.

Entrepreneurship is incredibly hard. 90% failure rate, average salary $46K.

Instead go buy a profitable business using SBA loans just like you would a mortgage.

Fastest way to own a $1M revenue biz, buy.”

codie sanchez profile

Codie Sanchez

Founder & CEO of Contrarian Thinking

“Most people don’t make money because they let two four letter words determine their investing: FOMO + YOLO”

“Time is not money. You can’t buy time. Treat it accordingly and those who waste it ruthlessly.”

“Underrated life hack: Always the stairs, never the elevator.”

“Unpopular opinion: The biggest change in wealth happened for me when I realized $1,000,000 is not a lot of money.”

“Your goal as CEO is to build a team that runs your entire company better than you.”

“Those who don’t celebrate their wins, take less risk. Bet on yourself, take the risk and celebrate your wins.”

“Your grind will offend the lazy. Your joy will offend the miserable.”

“To do what you love, you’ll have many years of doing things you hate.”

“You will die. But maybe you’ll have many graves, in the minds of those you touched.”

“What they don’t tell you about finding your purpose is that it becomes your obsession. Most other things in life will feel like a distraction.”

“When you go against the grain in any industry, expect people to not like you.”

“Wealth isn’t about buying cool things. Wealth is about becoming so sovereign you can say no to anything anytime.”

“Whatever you’re thinking about doing… Go big and do the damn thing. The worst thing that can happen isn’t failure; it’s never trying and drowning in mediocrity.”

“Unpopular truth: Unless you try to be the best, you won’t even be good.”

“You might be better off getting Google certifications than diplomas.”

“When the rest of the world laughs at dry cleaning, we make millions.”

“You have one job as a founder, fire yourself from as many roles as you can.”

“You never want to sell ice to eskimos. You want to find the thirsty.”

“We were taught a bunch of lies about debt. That it’s:

  • bad
  • irresponsible
  • dangerous
  • even predatory

All those things can be true, but when you actually understand debt it’s like a lever that can lift the world.”

codie sanchez profile

Codie Sanchez

Founder & CEO of Contrarian Thinking

Codie Sanchez quotes from LinkedIn posts

“35 lessons from selling three businesses before I turned 35:

1. Your first business will likely fail.

2. All your money gets made after that.

3. Most people give up too fast.

4. You’ll outgrow almost everyone.

5. If you get distracted, you’ll get beaten.

6. It will not happen between the hours of 9 and 5.

7. Late nights, early mornings, repeat.

8. Emotions can be cancer.

9. If you think you should fire them, do it.

10. Not in writing? Didn’t happen.

11. Never be embarrassed for not knowing.

12. Bigger the problem, bigger the $$.

13. No one ever charges enough to start.

14. Your favorite words have 3 letters: CPA, COG, CAC, P&L

15. Be selfish with your f*cks.

16. Protect your energy, it’s real.

17. Someone will steal from you.

18. Sales beats everything.

19. If they’re not better than you at something, they’re not for you.

20. You want it, cross it off the to-do list.

21. Everyone lies and they believe themselves.

22. Be your own motivational speech.

23. It’s gonna suck… often.

24. Yet you’ll wish you could do it again.

25. You won’t win if you’re not obsessed.

26. Balance is seasonal.

27. Ignore talk, believe skin in the game.

28. Leave money for a rainy day.

29. You can’t eat net worth, cash is king.

30. Don’t swerve in too many lanes, you get hit.

31. Work like a lion, not a cow.

32. Who… not how. Always.

33. You’re one person away from your win.

34. Dream so big you out dream others.

35. You’ll only regret not starting earlier.”

codie sanchez profile

Codie Sanchez

Founder of Contrarian Thinking

Be sure to also watch this inspiring video where Codie Sanchez shares the 9 things to stop doing in 2024 to get rich:

9 Things to Stop Doing in 2024 (To Get Rich)

FAQs | Motivational Codie Sanchez quotes

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Codie Sanchez and her famous quotes.

Who is Codie Sanchez?

codie sanchez profile

Codie Sanchez is an entrepreneur, investor, and founder of Contrarian Thinking. With a background in journalism, private equity, and venture capital, she’s known for her unconventional investment strategies.

Sanchez empowers others toward financial freedom through her insights on buying businesses and alternative assets. She’s a vocal advocate for contrarian approaches to wealth.

What is Codie Sanchez famous for?

Codie Sanchez is renowned for teaching people how to make money in unusual ways. She talks about buying small businesses (or “boring” business as she calls them) and investing differently than most people do.

What is a famous Codie Sanchez quote?

One of Codie Sanchez’s famous quotes is:

“Buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own.”

This quote shows how Codie Sanchez invests differently. She says to buy things when everyone else is scared, even if it’s hard. It means taking risks to grab good opportunities, even when others are nervous.

What are 3 fun facts about Codie Sanchez?

Here are 3 fun facts about Codie Sanchez you need to know:

1. Diverse career background: Codie Sanchez has built a diverse career spanning journalism, institutional investing, and entrepreneurship. She started as a journalist, covering stories in Latin America, then moved into the world of finance, working for major companies like Vanguard and First Trust, before diving into entrepreneurship and venture capital.

2. Focus on unconventional investments: Codie is known for her focus on “boring” businesses and unconventional investment strategies. She often speaks about the value of investing in overlooked or unglamorous sectors, such as waste management or laundromats, as a path to wealth.

Educational initiatives and advocacy: Beyond her investing and entrepreneurial ventures, Codie is passionate about education and empowerment, particularly for women and minorities in the business and finance sectors. She shares knowledge through various platforms, aiming to demystify the world of investing and encourage financial independence.

What are Codie Sanchez’s top 10 rules for success?

Based on Codie Sanchez valuable content around the web, here are her top 10 rules for success:

1. Embrace curiosity: Stay curious and always seek to learn more, whether about industries, investments, or personal growth.

2. Value unconventional paths: Look for opportunities in overlooked or mundane industries, where competition might be lower but potential for profit is high.

3. Prioritize action over perfection: Focus on taking action and making progress rather than waiting for the perfect moment or perfect plan.

4. Leverage compound interest: Recognize the power of compound interest not only in finance but in knowledge, relationships, and personal development.

5. Build multiple income streams: Diversify your income sources to reduce risk and increase financial stability.

6. Invest in yourself: Continuously invest in your own education and skill development, as this pays the highest dividends.

7. Think contrarian: Don’t be afraid to go against the grain or challenge popular opinions if you believe in your strategy or idea.

8. Networking and relationships: Build strong networks and value relationships, understanding that success often comes from collaboration.

9. Mindset of abundance: Maintain an abundance mindset, focusing on creating and seizing opportunities rather than dwelling on limitations.

10. Give back and educate others: Share your knowledge and success with others, especially by empowering underrepresented groups in finance and entrepreneurship.

Codie Sanchez’s success strategy focuses on smart money management, self-improvement, and thinking differently. She encourages taking bold steps in business and investing.

Final thoughts on the top Codie Sanchez quotes

I hope you enjoyed this ultimate collection of the best inspirational Codie Sanchez quotes to help you achieve success in your business and life.

“Buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own.”

codie sanchez profile

Codie Sanchez

Founder & CEO of Contrarian Thinking

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