200+ Dan Lok Quotes on Sales, Success & Business


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Looking for the best Dan Lok quotes of all time? In this post, you’ll discover the ultimate collection of 200+ famous Dan Lok quotes to inspire and motivate you.

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Here is a collection of the 200+ best Dan Lok quotes on sales, success, business and more.

Let’s dive right in.

Dan Lok Quotes About Being Understanding

Business magnate Dan Lok teaches us how to be understanding with these quotes.

“If you are focused on delivering value, money comes.” – Dan Lok

“People buy based on emotions, and they justify it with logic.” – Dan Lok

“People don’t buy products or services. They buy stories.” – Dan Lok

“Remember, people don’t buy from you because they understand what you sell—they buy from you because they feel understood.” – Dan Lok

“Smart people have good answers. Geniuses have good questions.” – Dan Lok

“You don’t have to be a marketing genius. Your customers are the marketing genius. They’ll tell you what they like and they will also tell you what they don’t like and what they are willing to pay for” – Dan Lok

“Social capital is a following of people who like you, trust you, support you, and are willing and capable of buying from you.” – Dan Lok

“The amount of money you make is in direct proportion to how deeply you understand your marketplace’s pain.” – Dan Lok

“The best marketers aren’t the best talkers… although many of them could charm the pants right off you…they’re the best listeners. They know how to hear what prospects are really saying and what they’re not saying.” – Dan Lok

“Watch how you treat those very first few people, your very first fans.” – Dan Lok

Dan Lok Wise Quotes

Entrepreneur and keynote speaker Dan Lok talks about how to be wise in the business you’re in.

“Decide who you are going to learn from.” – Dan Lok

“Extreme clarity leads to extreme results.” – Dan Lok

“How can you inject stories into everything you do?” – Dan Lok

“Be humble. Stay open-minded. You can learn something from everybody.” – Dan Lok

“It isn’t about finding yourself as much as it is creating yourself.” – Dan Lok

“Our problem is not that we don’t have enough opportunities to make money. Our problem is that we have too many opportunities to lose it.” – Dan Lok

“Remember: ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is poverty. Ignorance is an illness. Ignorance is devastation.” – Dan Lok

“The law of clarity states the more clear you are about your goals and objectives, the more efficient and effective you will be able to get what you want.” – Dan Lok

“The people you hang out with greatly impact your future. If you hang out with four millionaires, you’ll be the fifth. But if you hang out with four losers, you’ll also be the fifth.” – Dan Lok

“The uncertainty and lack of clarity about the potential outcome is the root of the problem.” – Dan Lok

“I was the invisible kid.” – Dan Lok

“Lame people, blame people.” – Dan Lok

“Once you know how to work hard, you need to know how to work smart.” – Dan Lok

“The secret to having it all is knowing you already do.” – Dan Lok

“You’ll never outperform your internal self-image.” – Dan Lok

“Your network is your net worth. That’s why I only hang out with winners.” – Dan Lok

“Your will decides your future and so your courage in oneself also be different at least from what others do.” – Dan Lok

“You can be very busy and not accomplish a whole lot at the same time. Just because you’re splashing in the water, doesn’t mean that you’re swimming.” – Dan Lok

Dan Lok Quotes About Discipline

Here are some quotes about discipline from Chinese-Canadian businessman Dan Lok.

“Getting rich is not an act, it is a habit.” – Dan Lok

“What gets measured, gets improved.” – Dan Lok

“I was broke once, but I have never been poor. Poor is a state of mind. It is a mindset.” – Dan Lok

“Once you know who you want to become, you know what actions you need to take to get there.” – Dan Lok

“What I notice is, high-performance people? We are self-motivated.” – Dan Lok

“The best skills can’t be developed by watching a bunch of videos. They can only be developed by having a single mentor or someone to show you exactly what they did, and copy them.” – Dan Lok

“The goal is not to get rich but to stay rich.” – Dan Lok

“Follow the market. Follow your gifts. What are you good at? Not necessarily what are you passionate about, but what are you actually good at?” – Dan Lok

“I believe most people don’t know how to make money. Fewer know how to keep the money. And almost no one knows how to multiply it.” – Dan Lok

“The fear of failure is an illusion. Success is true fear.” – Dan Lok

“Money is like sex. You’ll think of nothing else if you don’t have it.” – Dan Lok

“Nothing gets done without a deadline.” – Dan Lok

“Wherever your attention goes, energy flows and results show.” – Dan Lok

“Become so good at your skill, or at least be different enough to be irreplaceable.” – Dan Lok

“It’s better to be hated than ignored.” – Dan Lok

“Maximum results in Minimum Time.” – Dan Lok

Dan Lok Quotes About Goals

I will share with you some of Dan Lok’s notable quotes about reaching your goals.

“Today I have the greatest job in the world. I work when I want, where I want, with whom I want, doing whatever I want to do.” – Dan Lok

“Your comfort zone is your income zone.” – Dan Lok

“If you truly want to save others, you could only give from a place of abundance.” – Dan Lok

“I’m just a guy with desire and ambition and goals. And I didn’t give up. I just kept on going. Anybody can do it if they want it bad enough.” – Dan Lok

“Rich people count their money regularly.” – Dan Lok

“Think accomplishments, not activities.” – Dan Lok

“Decide exactly what you want. What would you do for money? What would you not do for money? Where do you want to live?” – Dan Lok

Dan Lok Motivational Quotes

Take a look at these powerful quotes of motivation from famous entrepreneur Dan Lok.

“Anybody can do it if they want it bad enough.” – Dan Lok

“Constantly improve your earning ability.” – Dan Lok

“If you have no critics, you likely have no success. Anyone in the world who is making an impact will be criticized.” – Dan Lok

“You want to strive for freedom and not comfort. You don’t want to do things that are comfortable. If every day you’re not doing something that scares you, you’re not growing.” – Dan Lok

“It’s not about becoming something you’re not. It’s about being the man or woman you’re destined to become.” – Dan Lok

“It’s not just how much you know, it’s how fast you learn. In order to compete today, you need to learn, you need to grow. You cannot stop.” – Dan Lok

“Sometimes you break down before you break through.” – Dan Lok

“Success is living life on your own terms.” – Dan Lok

“Success is on the razor’s edge of failure.” – Dan Lok

“Time management is self-management.” – Dan Lok

“Success is ultimately about behavior.” – Dan Lok

“You change your decision, You change your life.” – Dan Lok

“Poor people do what’s easy, that’s why their life is hard. Rich people do what’s hard, that’s why their life is easy.” – Dan Lok

“Hustling will only keep you tired, not rich.” – Dan Lok

“Everybody wants to eat, But few are willing to hunt.” – Dan Lok

“Unless you have skin in the game, There’s no game.” – Dan Lok

“Be who you are not who people want you to be.” – Dan Lok

“You are what you repeatedly do.” – Dan Lok

“Competence is equal to confidence.” – Dan Lok

“Life is too short to wait.” – Dan Lok

“Talk gets you nowhere. The action gets you anywhere.” – Dan Lok

“If you could get there on your own. You would already be there.” – Dan Lok

“Love what you do, and you’ll never work another day in your life.” – Dan Lok

“The best investment you can ever make is in yourself.” – Dan Lok

“Jobs get you nowhere, professions get you somewhere. Skills get you anywhere.” – Dan Lok

“If you don’t talk to strangers on a regular basis. You will not be successful.” – Dan Lok

“Making money is not difficult, it’s different.” – Dan Lok

“Your adversities are your greatest advantage.” – Dan Lok

“You have the power to change your life.” – Dan Lok

“The truth will piss you off. Then it will set you free.” – Dan Lok

“Don’t be better to be different.” – Dan Lok

“Don’t avoid overwhelm, Learn to live with it.” – Dan Lok

“Closing is the building block to all success. Unlock it.” – Dan Lok

“Not all income is created equal.” – Dan Lok

“Real commitment is a commitment to a formal structure.” – Dan Lok

“The great thing about business is you can screw it up, make mistakes, and fail many, many times. But it only takes one win to make up for all of those losses.” – Dan Lok

“The number one quality of a successful entrepreneur is the ability to endure pain for a long period of time.” – Dan Lok

Dan Lok Quotes About Reality

Dan Lok shares his insights about the reality of doing business with these quotes.

“Ask yourself, “What would the best version of myself do?” – Dan Lok

“Behind every successful man is a smarter woman.” – Dan Lok

“Drowning people will pull you under.” – Dan Lok

“I don’t know the sure-fire way to success. But I sure as hell know the sure-fire way to failure, and that is to try to please everybody.” – Dan Lok

“Money doesn’t go to people who need it. It goes to people who multiply it.” – Dan Lok

“You’ve heard of the term ‘get rich quick.’ Somehow, in our society, we believe if you make your money quickly, it must be something shady. You must be doing something illegal. It must be a scam, right? But when people ask, ‘Is it getting rich quick?’ I say, ‘You better hope that it is.’ Why? Because you don’t have enough time to get rich slowly.” – Dan Lok

“You’re not an entrepreneur. You haven’t earned the right to be an entrepreneur – yet. Develop your high-income skill… then you can be an entrepreneur.” – Dan Lok

“Geniuses are made, not born.” – Dan Lok

“How many of these tasks are moving you toward the outcome you want.” – Dan Lok

“If you are worried about what other people think of you, it will be very hard to get the success you want. It limits you from taking action.” – Dan Lok

“Most people are addicted to their struggles.” – Dan Lok

“Poor people don’t count their money.” – Dan Lok

“Quotes don’t work until you do.” – Dan Lok

“Rich people get paid before they do the work, poor people get paid afterwards.” – Dan Lok

“Study done by the Wall Street Journal the number seven (7) has been found to be the number that most people respond to.” – Dan Lok

“Those who can’t do, criticize.” – Dan Lok

“You can’t get rich looking poor.” – Dan Lok

“The very first rule of online marketing is, first of all, you need to know who your audience is. It’s not about making noise, it’s not about just getting your name out there.” – Dan Lok

“You can’t expect support from family and friends.” – Dan Lok

“You have to learn to be alone without being lonely.” – Dan Lok

“You must surround yourself with mentors, not gurus.” – Dan Lok

“Facts tell, stories sell.” – Dan Lok

Dan Lok Quotes About Sacrifice

Here are some inspiring quotes about sacrifice from businessman and keynote speaker Dan Lok.

“People don’t buy their way into something, they buy their way out of something.” – Dan Lok

“Stop thinking that you can overcome your environment with willpower. It does not work. Trust me, I’ve tried. And the problem is, most people are afraid to walk away from the toxic environment they live in because they’ll lose their friends. Afraid of what their friends will think about them, and that they’ll be alone. That is okay. It means it is time to change your environment and to find new friends who are on the same path as you are. To support you.” – Dan Lok

“What’s the price you are willing to pay for success?” – Dan Lok

“You must determine the price that you will have to pay to achieve success, and then get busy paying that price.” – Dan Lok

Dan Lok Quotes About Business

Here are some of the best quotes by Dan Lok, a business magnate and influencer.

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans.” – Dan Lok

“A penny saved is still just a fucking penny.” – Dan Lok

“Most entrepreneurs fail because they underestimate the difficulty and the effort that it takes to succeed.” – Dan Lok

“You don’t want to compete in a market or niche. You want to dominate it. Any company that’s a great company always dominates.” – Dan Lok

“Visibility is more important than ability. You need to be known. You need people to want to hire you. Without customers you have no revenue, and no revenue means no business.” – Dan Lok

“I failed at 13 business before having my first success. Once you succeed, nobody cares about your failures.” – Dan Lok

“If you study failure and avoid those, the chance of you succeeding becomes much higher.” – Dan Lok

“Entrepreneurs solve people’s problems at a profit.” – Dan Lok

“Idea generator #23 info-products based on your personal interests or expertise” – Dan Lok

“Many entrepreneurs lack focus. They cannot focus on one thing. They jump from one thing to another. The greatest edge you can have is laser beam focus.” – Dan Lok

Best Dan Lok Quotes of All Time

I’m going to share with you some of Dan Lok’s best quotes towards success.

“Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.” – Dan Lok

“Most people want to be entertained, not educated.” – Dan Lok

“It’s no longer the big fish eating the small fish—it’s the fast fish eating the slow fish.” – Dan Lok

“You can’t win the race of fulfillment running on the track of achievement.” – Dan Lok

“When you focus on making a meaningful impact on others, money comes faster, more naturally, and with less effort.” – Dan Lok

“Don’t follow your passion.  If you’re not paying your bills, if you cannot provide for your family, then you have not earned the right to follow your passion.  If you truly want success, you have to not ‘do what you love,’ but whatever if f*cking takes.” – Dan Lok

“The number one skill you need to make money online is copywriting.  Persuasion in print.  Turning words into money, into cash.  Everything you do is all about copy, it’s about communication.” – Dan Lok

“I always demonstrate that I am a good student to every single person on my team.  Every year I invest hundreds of thousands of dollars on my own education because I know that continuous learning and developing new skills are critical even before I begin my global organization.” – Dan Lok

“Deal with the world as it is, not as you wish it to be.” – Dan Lok

“Tactics without mindset can’t solve your problems.” – Dan Lok

“A limited offer has unlimited appeal.” – Dan Lok

“Live your life as if all your dreams have come true, and then challenge your reality to catch up.” – Dan Lok

“I provide clarity by asking a simple question, “Out of all these tasks you do every day, how many of these tasks are moving you toward the outcome you want?” – Dan Lok

“Every single time my wife told me not to do business with someone and I did anyway, the deal fell through. Or the person didn’t hold up their end of the deal.” – Dan Lok

“When you get to a certain size and a certain point, you have to learn to say no.  As an entrepreneur, you must realize that you have a finite amount of time, resources, the capital.  So as a CEO, as a founder, you must learn to prioritize.  Ask: does this fit my overall vision, or is it just a distraction?” – Dan Lok

“Be very, very careful who you select as a partner.  You cannot do a good deal with a bad partner.” – Dan Lok

FAQs | Motivational Dan Lok quotes

Here are some frequently asked questions about Dan Look quotes.

Final thoughts on Dan Lok quotes

I hope you enjoyed this epic list of the best inspirational Dan Lok quotes.

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

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Dan Lok

#1 YouTuber, businessman & philanthropist

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