Here is a collection of the best Grant Cardone quotes about success, business and sales.
Let’s dive right in.
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Best Grant Cardone quotes of all time
Below you’ll find some of the best Grant Cardone quotes of all time:
“You sleep like you’re rich… I’m up like I’m broke.”
Grant Cardone
“Never lower your target. Increase your actions.” – Grant Cardone
“Let the rest do whatever while you do whatever it takes.” – Grant Cardone
“No one is going to come to your house and make your dreams come true.” – Grant Cardone
“Average is a failing formula.” – Grant Cardone
“Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility.” – Grant Cardone
“Keep your attention on creating and producing a future not on talking about what happened yesterday.” – Grant Cardone
“There is no shortage of money, only a shortage of people thinking big enough.” – Grant Cardone
“Have goals so big your problems pale in comparison.” – Grant Cardone
“Every adventure will & must contain experiences you would never want.” – Grant Cardone
“Everything in life is a sale and everything you want is a commission.” – Grant Cardone
“Criticism is easily avoided by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing.” – Grant Cardone
“Offer so much to those you work for that they worry they aren’t paying you enough.” – Grant Cardone
“Show up early, treat people with respect and perform at the highest levels till the world can’t deny you.” – Grant Cardone
“You can’t reach your full potential without haters.” – Grant Cardone
“Never fear the haters, fear the weak that listen to them.” – Grant Cardone
“Success is no different than any other skill.” – Grant Cardone
“Don’t be a little b*tch… champions dominate.” – Grant Cardone
“Just because most don’t make it, doesn’t mean you can’t.” – Grant Cardone
“Approach every situation with a whatever-it-takes-mindset.” – Grant Cardone
“No matter how much it may seem otherwise, no one has control of your life but you.” – Grant Cardone
“Cash flow is not bragging rights. It’s financial freedom.” – Grant Cardone
“Be nice to people, it doesn’t cost anything.” – Grant Cardone
“Attitude is choice.” – Grant Cardone
“A little imagination combined with massive action goes a long way.” – Grant Cardone
“Have a higher purpose than money.” – Grant Cardone
“Great salespeople build value.” – Grant Cardone
“You don’t have time & money because you don’t invest time & money.” – Grant Cardone
“Fathers are our first influencers.” – Grant Cardone
“Don’t rest and don’t stop – ever. Most valuable chips you have are your mind-set, actions, persistence and creativity.” – Grant Cardone
“Commit to the income, not to the problem.” – Grant Cardone
“Born broke is not the issue, staying broke is.” – Grant Cardone
“Almost every problem people face in their careers and other aspects of their lives – such as failed diets, marriages, and financial problems – are all the result of not taking enough action.” – Grant Cardone
“Go the extra mile. There’s no one on it!” – Grant Cardone
“Money and success demand attention. Ignore either and you will have neither.” – Grant Cardone
“You sleep to rest the body. You wake up to make your dreams a reality.” – Grant Cardone
“Success is a full time job.” – Grant Cardone
“If you don’t do something you’ll end up being nothing.” – Grant Cardone
“I’m not ‘living the dream’, I’m busting my ass to make freedom a possibility.” – Grant Cardone
“I don’t go to work to work, I hate that saying! I want you to go to work to prosper. Go to work for freedom. This is what wealthy people do different than anybody else. Wealthy people work for freedom. They’re not working for comfort items, not for a weekend, they’re working for freedom.” – Grant Cardone
“Freedom is not something you buy, but something you earn.” – Grant Cardone
“Set no targets and you will get nowhere.” – Grant Cardone
“Your success will be compromised by your need to be liked by everyone.” – Grant Cardone
“Your excuses might be legit, but they won’t improve your life.” – Grant Cardone
“Investing energy and resources in yesterday prevents you from creating the future you deserve.” – Grant Cardone
“All your dreams await just on the other side of your fears.” – Grant Cardone
“Never lower your price, add value.” – Grant Cardone
“The ambitious are criticized by those who have given up.” – Grant Cardone
“I want a million dollars in my happy account and a million in my bank account.” – Grant Cardone
“Make time, not excuses.” – Grant Cardone
“Don’t go to work to work. Go to work to prosper.” – Grant Cardone
“Very successful people don’t seek comfort; they seek success and are willing to do what is most uncomfortable. But most of the world is seeking comfort and familiarity, which are traps that cause you to settle for the mediocre.” – Grant Cardone
“Don’t criticize my swag. Find yours.” – Grant Cardone
“Disciplined, consistent, and persistent actions are more of a determining factor in the creation of success than any other combination of things.” – Grant Cardone
“If you’re not first, you’re last.” – Grant Cardone
“Do what others refuse to do.” – Grant Cardone
“You will never be admired without being criticized first.” – Grant Cardone
“You can’t get anywhere flying under the radar.” – Grant Cardone
“Never depend on one action.” – Grant Cardone
“Most opportunities are disguised as problems.” – Grant Cardone
“Massive success is the best revenge.” – Grant Cardone
“You will not have a successful life surrounded by negative people.” – Grant Cardone
“You only hate on what you quit on.” – Grant Cardone
“Be great, don’t hate. You’ll never accomplish much hating others. The only time hate ever served me was when I hated my life so much I became willing to become the best version of me. You can do anything when you change you and very little if you don’t.” – Grant Cardone
“If you’re growing you will out-grow those you grew up with.” – Grant Cardone
“Your most valuable assets are not money, cars and houses but courage, commitment, creativity, persistence and work ethic.” – Grant Cardone
“No one needs to believe in you but you.” – Grant Cardone
“Excuses never make dreams reality.” – Grant Cardone
“If ‘get rich quick’ is possible I’m an idiot cuz it’s taken me 40 years.” – Grant Cardone
“If you have money in the bank, at today’s rate, you’d need 80 years to double it.” – Grant Cardone
“No economy no matter how bad can hold down a goal that is followed by enough action.” – Grant Cardone
“Be outrageous in your thinking.” – Grant Cardone
“You can’t pull me forward if you stay behind.” – Grant Cardone
“The best way to break the cycle of oppression is to make your dreams a reality.” – Grant Cardone
“Build don’t burn. Dream don’t destroy. – Grant Cardone
“Don’t tear your community down, built it up.” – Grant Cardone
“Move at a speed so that bad news never sticks to you.” – Grant Cardone
“The only thing I fear is a life sentence living below my potential.” – Grant Cardone
“Great things are coming your way.” – Grant Cardone
Grant Cardone quotes 10X
”The 10X Rule assumes the target is never the problem. Any target attacked with the right actions in the right amounts with persistence is attainable. Even if I want to visit another planet, I must assume that the right actions taken in the right amounts over whatever time necessary will allow me to accomplish this.” – Grant Cardone, The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure
”You cannot get to the next phase of a project without a grander mind-set, more acceleration, and extra horsepower. Your thoughts and actions are the reasons why you are where you are right now. So it would be reasonable to be suspect of both! ” – Grant Cardone, The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure
”Big thinking, massive actions, expansion, and risk taking are necessary for your survival and future growth.”- Grant Cardone, The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure
“When people start limiting the amount of success they desire, I assure you they will limit what will be required of them in order to achieve success and will fail miserably at doing what it takes to keep it.” – Grant Cardone
“Average is a failing plan! Average doesn’t work in any area of life. Anything that you give only average amounts of attention to will start to subside and will eventually cease to exist.” – Grant Cardone
“Weak and overwhelmed individuals respond to others’ success by attacking it.” – Grant Cardone
“Being careful requires you to take actions cautiously—and there is no way that you will ever hit 10X activity levels by being cautious.” – Grant Cardone
“What if the only thing standing in the way of your greatness was that you just had to go after everything obsessively, persistently, and as though your life depended on it?” – Grant Cardone
“All the excuses in the world won’t change one simple fact: that fear is a sign to do whatever it is you fear—and do it quickly.” – Grant Cardone
“Anyone who minimizes the importance of success to your future has given up on his or her own chances of accomplishment and is spending his or her life trying to convince others to do the same.” – Grant Cardone
“As long as you are alive, you will either live to accomplish your own goals and dreams or be used as a resource to accomplish someone else’s.” – Grant Cardone
“Average assumes—incorrectly, of course—that everything operates stably. People optimistically overestimate how well things will go and then underestimate how much energy and effort it will take just to push things through. Anyone who has made it in business will support this concept.” – Grant Cardone
“Because the lower performers are not willing to step up and take responsibility to increase their production, they can only seek to tear down those who are performing at higher levels.” – Grant Cardone
“Don’t be confused by what looks like luck to you. Lucky people don’t make successful people; people who completely commit themselves to success seem to get lucky in life.” – Grant Cardone
“Extremely successful people know that their efforts must continue in order for them to realize new achievements. Once the hunt for a desired object or goal is abandoned, the cycle of success comes to an end.” – Grant Cardone
“I suggest that you become obsessed about the things you want; otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn’t get the life you wanted.” – Grant Cardone
“In order to get to the next level of whatever you’re doing, you must think and act in a wildly different way than you previously have been. You cannot get to the next phase of a project without a grander mind-set, more acceleration, and extra horsepower.” – Grant Cardone
“It is better to make something happen—good or bad—than to have it happen to you.” – Grant Cardone
“Never reduce a target. Instead, increase actions. When you start rethinking your targets, making up excuses, and letting yourself off the hook, you are giving up on your dreams!” – Grant Cardone
“Never take the position that things just happen to you; rather, they happen because of something you did or did not do.” – Grant Cardone
“One of the major differences between successful and unsuccessful people is that the former look for problems to resolve, whereas the latter make every attempt to avoid them.” – Grant Cardone
“Realistic thinking is based on what others think is possible—but they are not you and have no way of knowing your potential and purposes.” – Grant Cardone
“Success tends to bless those who are most committed to giving it the most attention.” – Grant Cardone
“That is what lower performers do; they make others wrong for doing what is necessary in order to make themselves feel okay about doing nothing! The highest performers—the winners—respond by studying successful people and duplicating success.” – Grant Cardone
“The economy is not the problem, how people respond is the problem!” – Grant Cardone
“The moment you start thinking someone else’s gain is your loss, you limit yourself by thinking in terms of competition and shortages.” – Grant Cardone
“There are certain things in life that have limits, but you don’t unless you impose limits on yourself.” – Grant Cardone
“Until you become completely obsessed with your mission, no one will take you seriously. Until the world understands that you’re not going away—that you are 100 percent committed and have complete and utter conviction and will persist in pursuing your project—you will not get the attention you need and the support you want.” – Grant Cardone
“Wake up! No one is going to save you. No one is going to take care of your family or your retirement. No one is going to make things work out for you. The only way to do so is to utilize every moment of every day at 10X levels.” – Grant Cardone
“We are required to live up to the potential with which we’ve each been blessed. I even suggest that failing to insist upon abundant amounts of success is somewhat unethical.” – Grant Cardone
“Weak and overwhelmed individuals respond to others’ success by attacking it.” – Grant Cardone
“What if the only thing standing in the way of your greatness was that you just had to go after everything obsessively, persistently, and as though your life depended on it?” – Grant Cardone
“When people start limiting the amount of success they desire, I assure you they will limit what will be required of them in order to achieve success and will fail miserably at doing what it takes to keep it.” – Grant Cardone
“You know, you don’t need to grow old to die. I was dying at the age of 20 as a result of no direction and no purpose.” – Grant Cardone
Grant Cardone success quotes
Here’s an awesome collection of Grant Cardone quotes on achieving success.
“Comfort makes more prisoners than all the jails combined.” – Grant Cardone
“Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility.” – Grant Cardone
“Be great because nothing else pays.” – Grant Cardone
“You won’t get much done if you only grind on the days you feel good.” – Grant Cardone
“If you know what day it is, you’re not busy enough.” – Grant Cardone
“Luck is just one of the by-products of those who take the most action.” – Grant Cardone
“Do what you are scared to do and watch your confidence grow.” – Grant Cardone
“The ambitious are criticized by those that have given up.” – Grant Cardone
“No matter how much it may seem otherwise, no one has control of your life but you.” – Grant Cardone
“I don’t have time is the biggest lie you tell yourself.” – Grant Cardone
“Go the extra mile, there’s no one on it.” – Grant Cardone
“Whatever you want, go all in and dominate, learn it, eat it, sleep it, breath it and believe it.” – Grant Cardone
“A little imagination combined with massive action goes a long way.” – Grant Cardone
“Knowledge speaks. Wisdom listens. Action wins.” – Grant Cardonee
“The average call me obsessed, the successful call me for advice.” – Grant Cardone
“Quit blaming your past for your current conditions.” – Grant Cardone
“Do what you are scared to do and watch your confidence grow.” – Grant Cardone
“You sleep to rest the body. You wake up to make your dreams a reality.” – Grant Cardone
“Success is no different than any other skill. Duplicate the actions and mind-sets of successful people, and you will create success for yourself.” – Grant Cardone
“Don’t just make money, make a difference.” – Grant Cardone
“Money and success demand attention. Ignore either and you will have neither.” – Grant Cardone
“What’s the worst thing that can happen to you if you just totally go for it?” – Grant Cardone
“Luck is just one of the by-products of those who take the most action.” – Grant Cardone
“Success is not something that happens to you; it’s something that happens because of you and because of the actions you take.” – Grant Cardone
“Approach every situation with a whatever-it-takes-mindset.” – Grant Cardone
“Set no targets and you will get nowhere.” – Grant Cardone
“If you are flying under the radar, you’ll never launch into orbit.” – Grant Cardone
“Anyone who suggests you do less is either not a real friend or confused.” – Grant Cardone
“You’ll never be admired without being criticized first.” – Grant Cardone
“Never lower your target; increase your actions.” – Grant Cardone
“There’s no shortage of money, only of people thinking big enough.” – Grant Cardone
“Don’t go to work to work, go to work to prosper.” – Grant Cardone
“Almost every problem people face in their careers and other aspects of their lives – such as failed diets, marriages, and financial problems – are all the result of not taking enough action.”
Grant Cardone motivational quotes
Grant Cardone’s powerful quotes will push yourself to be the best you that you can be. Here are some of them.
“No one’s going to come to your house and make your dreams come true.” – Grant Cardone
“Focus on creating and producing a future, not what happened yesterday.” – Grant Cardone
“Unwillingness to do what no one else wants to is why people lack money.” – Grant Cardone
“As long as you are alive, you will either live to accomplish your own goals and dreams or be used as a resource to accomplish someone else’s.” – Grant Cardone
“No matter how much it may seem otherwise, no one has control of your life but you.” – Grant Cardone
“Hustle, you don’t have to struggle.” – Grant Cardone
“The average call me obsessed, the successful call me for advice.” – Grant Cardone
“Your purpose on any given endeavour is determined by the clarity of your purpose.” – Grant Cardone
“The ambitious are criticised by those that have given up.” – Grant Cardone
“Whatever you want, go all in and dominate, learn it, eat it, sleep it, breath it and believe it.” – Grant Cardone
“Show up early, treat people with respect and perform at the highest levels till the world can’t deny you.” – Grant Cardone
“Leaving your comfort zone is hard. Staying broke is hard. Pick your hard.” – Grant Cardone
“Quit sharing bad news and gossip, you aren’t a garbage truck.” – Grant Cardone
“If you don’t confront the tough stuff it will always have control over you.” – Grant Cardone
“Approach every situation with an ‘in it to win it whatever it takes’ mindset. Sound too aggressive?, sorry but that is the outlook required to win nowadays.” – Grant Cardone
“I know so much about fear, it’s scared of me.” – Grant Cardone
“Success is no different than any other skill. Duplicate the actions and mind-sets of successful people and you will create success for yourself.” – Grant Cardone
“All your dreams await just on the other side of your fears.” – Grant Cardone
“Freedom is not something you buy, but something you earn.” – Grant Cardone
“If you don’t do something, you’ll end up being nothing.” – Grant Cardone
“Don’t just make money, make a difference.” – Grant Cardone
Grant Cardone inspirational quotes
Here are famous Grant Cardone quotes that will inspire you in 2020.
“Don’t watch the news… make the news. You don’t read the newspaper; you write newspaper articles. You don’t read books, yeah, you read books, but learn to write them.” – Grant Cardone
“Fast is the new big. Perfection is the killer to production. Perfection is basically a symptom of procrastination.” – Grant Cardone
“Think about it: What’s the worst thing that can happen to you if you just totally go for it?” – Grant Cardone
“The days and the weeks and months that you’re most lit up is when you’re full on purpose.” – Grant Cardone
“Be willing to let go of everything – your home, your location, the clothes you wear, your name… Let it all go to create what you want. Then you’re going to be better for everybody.” – Grant Cardone
“Most people do not attack their projects with “I-have-to-get-it-done-now” urgency, and therefore they do not get it done. Most people never commit like fanatics, and therefore they never become fantastic.” – Grant Cardone
“What you have done is nothing compared to what you can do.” – Grant Cardone
Grant Cardone picture quotes
Coming soon!
FAQs | Top Grant Cardone Quotes
Here are some frequently asked questions about Grant Cardone quotes.
Who is Grant Cardone?
Grant Cardone is an American author, motivational speaker, and real estate investor.
What is Grant Cardone famous for?
Grant Cardone is famous for being an entrepreneur, real estate investor, author, and motivational speaker.
What is the 10X rule quote?
Grant Cardone’s 10X rule quote is:
“Success is never owned. It’s rented, and the rent is due every day.”
What is Grant Cardone’s top motivational quotes about sales?
Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility.
Comfort makes more prisoners than all the jails combined.
Approach every situation with a whatever-it-takes-mindset.
Your greatness is limited only by the investments you make in yourself.
There is no shortage of money, only a shortage of people thinking big enough.
Success is not something that happens to you, it’s something that happens because of you.
You have to be focused and relentless in the pursuit of your goals.
The most important sale you will ever make is to sell yourself on you.
Success is not overnight. It is the result of continuous effort and relentless pursuit.
Success is not just about making more money; it’s about making a difference.
These are Grant Cardone’s top motivational quotes about sales.
What is a famous quote about success from Grant Cardone?
Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility.
What are some good sales quotes by Grant Cardone?
Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility. – Grant Cardone
Your greatness is limited only by the investments you make in yourself. – Grant Cardone
Success is not something that happens to you; it’s something that happens because of you and because of the actions you take. – Grant Cardone
Comfort makes more prisoners than all the jails combined. – Grant Cardone
The single biggest financial mistake I’ve made was not buying my own company sooner. – Grant Cardone
Final thoughts on the best Grant Cardone quotes
I hope you enjoyed this epic list of the best Grant Cardone quotes.
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