Here is an ultimate collection of the 100+ best Jordan Belfort quotes of all time.
Jordan Belfort is an American author, motivational speaker, and former stockbroker. Jordan made millions in the 1990s through his investment company, Stratton Oakmont.
Below are some famous Jordan Belfort’s quotes that will inspire you to fight back and pick yourself up.
Table of Contents
Best Jordan Belfort quotes of all time
“My killers, my killers who will not take ‘No’ for an answer. My fucking warriors, who will not hang up the phone till their client either buys. Or fucking dies!” – Jordan Belfort
“So you listen to me and you listen well. Are you behind on you credit card bills? Good, pick up the phone and start dialing! Is your landlord ready to evict you? Good! Pick up the phone and start dialing! Does your girlfriend think you’re fucking worthless loser? Good! Pick up the phone and start dialing! I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich!” – Jordan Belfort
“But before you depart this room full of winners, I want you to take a good look at the person next to you. Go on. Because sometime in the not-so-distant future, you’re gonna be pulling up at a red light, in your beat-up old fucking Pinto, and that person’s gonna be pulling up right alongside you in their brand new Porsche. With their beautiful wife by their side, who’s got big voluptuous tits. And who’re you gonna be sitting next to? Some disgusting wildebeest with three days of razor-stubble, in a sleeveless muumuu, crammed in next to you in a carload full of groceries from the fucking Price Club. That’s who you’re gonna be sitting next to!” – Jordan Belfort
“You be ferocious, you be relentless, you be telephone fucking terrorists” – Jordan Belfort
“Oh my God! You had to deal with the Golf Course people too! What a greek tragedy! Honey oh my God!, you probably had to pay them in cash with your hands! What a fucking burden, and actually had to do some work besides swiping my fucking credit card all day? Huh? Cause I can’t keep track of your professions honey! Last month you were a wine connoisseur, and now you’re an aspiring landscape architect, Isn’t that right?” – Jordan Belfort
“But if you can make your clients money at the same time it’s advantageous to everyone, correct?” – Jordan Belfort
“I fucked her brains out… for eleven seconds.” – Jordan Belfort
“Greed is not good. Ambition is good, passion is good. Passion prospers. My goal is to give more than I get, that’s a sustainable form of success.” – Jordan Belfort
“I continue to pay back money and I am hopeful that I will pay back all the money. It’s frustrating because you want to reinvent yourself and you feel you have. And he knows your past is always there.” – Jordan Belfort
“It’s a fucked-up racket, being a stockbroker. I mean, don’t get me wrong: The money’s great and everything, but you’re not creating anything, you’re not building anything. So after a while it gets kinda monotonous… The truth is we’re nothing more than sleazoid salesmen. None of us has any idea what stocks are going up! We’re all just throwing darts at a board and, you know, churning and burning.” – Jordan Belfort
“The most destructive belief that was ever installed in my mind – greed is good. Greed cuts through! I’m like, “Ah, greed is good.” Bullshit! Greed is not good. Greed is fucking destructive. Greed is literally about wanting as much as you can, as fast as you can and you don’t care who gets hurt along the way! The first thing that happens when greed takes hold, is all ethics go flying out the window… Greed is not good. It’s ambition that’s good. Passion that’s good.” – Jordan Belfort
“The easiest way to develop a strategy for success is to model somebody else that’s already successful. By modeling someone that was successful you turn decades into days. Strategy is everything when it comes to success.” – Jordan Belfort
“Things had gotten so out of hand that young Strattonites were rutting away under desks, in bathroom stalls, in coat closets, in the underground parking garage, and of course, the building’s glass elevator. Eventually, to maintain some semblance of order, we passed out a memorandum declaring the building a Fuck Free Zone between the hours of eight a.m. and seven p.m.” – Jordan Belfort
“High pressure’s a must in this business. People don’t buy stocks; it gets sold to them.” – Jordan Belfort
“I was back inside my jail, sitting on the floor, when the policeman said, “Well, Mr. Belfort, in case you’re wondering, you tested positive for cocaine, methaqualone, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, MDMA, opiates, and marijuana. In fact, the only thing you’re not showing is hallucinogens. What’s wrong, you don’t like those?” – Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort motivational quotes
“I do not come from a rich family, but I come from a really good family.” – Jordan Belfort
“the logical mind serves as a human bullshit detector.”
“The nice thing about being rescued by Italians is that they feed you, make you drink red wine, then you get to dance.” – Jordan Belfort
“They’re gonna need a f*cking wrecking ball to take me out of here. They’re gonna need to send in the national guard or fucking swat team, cause I ain’t going nowhere!” – Jordan Belfort
“I don’t think you’re cut out for this job. You look like a kid, and Wall Street’s no place for kids. It’s a place for killers. A place for mercenaries. So in that sense you’re lucky I’m not the one who does the hiring around here.” – Jordan Belfort
“See those little black boxes? They’re called telephones. I’m gonna let you in on a little secret about these telephones. They’re not gonna dial themselves. Okay? Without you, they’re just worthless hunks of plastic. Like a loaded M16 without a trained Marine to pull the trigger.” – Jordan Belfort
“Just like that I made two grand, the other guys looked at me like I just discovered fire.” – Jordan Belfort
“Every person around here, they want to get rich and they want to get rich quickly. They all want something for nothing.” – Jordan Belfort
“You know, just… people say s**t. I don’t even know. I don’t even listen to it half the time.” – Jordan Belfort
“It was obscene, in the real world. But who the fuck wanted to live there?” – Jordan Belfort
“Let me tell you something. There is no nobility in poverty. I have been a rich man and I have been a poor man. And I choose rich every fucking time. Because at least as a rich man, when I have to face my problems, I show up in the back of a limo, wearing a $2,000 suit and a $40,000 gold fucking watch!” – Jordan Belfort
“The easiest way to make money is – create something of such value that everybody wants and go out and give and create value – the money comes automatically.” – Jordan Belfort
“We are not our past experiences. We are the capabilities and the resources that we’ve gleaned from them. Shit happens to people! You make huge mistakes. But you’re not those mistakes, you’re not your bankruptcy, you’re not your failure – what you are is the lessons what you’ve learned from that and you can use now.” – Jordan Belfort
“It was a mystery to me why I felt compelled to always book the presidential Suite, no matter how ludicrous the price. I was certain that it had something to do with watching Richard Gere do it in the movie Pretty Woman, which was one of my all-time favorites.” – Jordan Belfort
“My philosophy is this, it always was – see things as they are, but not worse than they are. And that’s what a lot of people do – they see things worse than they are. And they tell that story, “Ah, it’s so terrible… only a madman would possibly take action!” So that’s their excuse for not doing anything about their problems. So – see things as they are, not worse than they are. Then see them better than they are, and make them that way.” – Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort inspirational quotes
“The only thing standing between you and your dream is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” – Jordan Belfort
“You don’t choose who you fall in love with, do you? And once you do fall in love – that obsessive sort of love, that all-consuming love, where two people can’t stand to be apart from each other for even a moment – how are you supposed to let a love like that pass you by?” – Jordan Belfort
“They were drunk on youth, fueled by greed, and higher than kites.” – Jordan Belfort
“And my wife…well, I guess she’d earned her scene with me, but still; did she really have that much reason to be angry? I mean, when she married me she knew what she was getting into, didn’t she? She had been my mistress, for Chrissake! That spoke volumes, didn’t it”?” – Jordan Belfort
“In fact, back in the good old days, when getting blasted over lunch was considered normal corporate behavior, the IRS referred to these types of expenses as three-martini lunches! They even had an accounting term for it: It was called T and E, which stood for Travel and Entertainment. All I’d done was taken the small liberty of moving things to their logical conclusion, changing T and E to T and A: Tits and Ass!” – Jordan Belfort
“If I earn a million dollars a week and the average American earns a thousand dollars a week, then when I spend twenty thousand dollars on something it’s the equivalent of the average American spending twenty dollars on something, right?” – Jordan Belfort
“inside the restaurant young Strattonites carried on their time-honored tradition of acting like packs of untamed wolves.” – Jordan Belfort
“I had considered changing my phone number, but I was so far behind on my phone bill that NYNEX was after me too.” – Jordan Belfort
“Most of them have been advertising the same going-out-of-business sale for the last ten years, and in ten more years they’ll still be going out of business!” – Jordan Belfort
“[Aunt] Patricia smiled, and we walked in silence for a while. But it wasn’t a poisonous silence. It was the sort of silence shared by two people who’re comfortable enough not to force a conversation ahead of its logical progression. I found this woman’s company to be incredibly soothing.” – Jordan Belfort
“Victor was Chinese by birth and Jewish by injection, having been raised amid the most savage young Jews anywhere on Long Island: the towns of Jericho and Syosset.” – Jordan Belfort
“Listen, guys, fucking around with midgets ain’t no joke. Pound for pound they’re stronger than grizzly bears, and, if you want to know the truth, they happen to scare the living shit out of me. So before I approve this midget-tossing business, you need to find me a game warden who can rein in the little critter if he should go off the deep end. Then we’re gonna need some tranq darts, a pair a handcuffs, a can of Mace—” Wigwam” – Jordan Belfort
“Contrary to previous assumptions, young men and women who possess the collective social graces of a herd of sex-crazed water buffalo and have an intelligence quotient in the range of Forrest Gump on three hits of acid, can be taught to sound like Wall Street wizards, as long as you write every last word down for them and then keep drilling it into their heads again and again—every day, twice a day—for a year straight.” – Jordan Belfort
“I laughed right along with her, but inside I was dying. There were certain things that you just didn’t joke about; it was simply bad luck. It was like pissing in the fate god’s eye. If you did it long enough, he was certain to piss right back at you. And his urine stream was like a fucking fire hose. But” – Jordan Belfort
“I’m not ashamed to admit it: my first time in prison, I was terrified. For a moment, I had forgotten I lived in a world where everything was for sale. Wouldn’t you like to know how to sell it?” – Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort quotes on Wolf of Wall Street
“Winners use words that say ‘must’ and ‘will’. The Wolf Of Wall Street” – Jordan Belfort
“I’ve got the guts to die. What I want to know is, have you got the guts to live?” – Jordan Belfort
“The easiest way to make money is something of such value that everybody wants and go out and give and create value, the money comes automatically.” – Jordan Belfort
“There’s no nobility in poverty.” – Jordan Belfort
“Without action, the best intentions in the world are nothing more than that: intentions.” – Jordan Belfort
“Successful people are 100% convinced that they are masters of their own destiny , they’re not creatures of circumstance, they create circumstance, if the circumstances around them suck they change them.” – Jordan Belfort
“When you live your life by poor standards, you inflict damage on everyone who crosses your path, especially those you love.” – Jordan Belfort
“If you want to be rich, never give up. People tend to give up. If you have persistence, you will come out ahead of most people. More importantly, you will learn. When you do something, you might fail. But that’s not because you’re a failure. It’s because you have not learnt enough. Do it differently each time. One day, you will do it right. Failure is your friend.” – Jordan Belfort
“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” – Jordan Belfort
“Act as if! Act as if you’re a wealthy man, rich already, and then you’ll surely become rich. And act as if you are already a tremendous success, and as sure as I stand here today – you will become successful.” – Jordan Belfort
“No matter what happened to you in your past, you are not your past, you are the resources and the capabilities you glean from it. And that is the basis for all change.” – Jordan Belfort
“I believe in total immersion, if you want to be rich, you have to program your mind to be rich. You have to unlearn all the thoughts that were making you poor and replace them with new thoughts – rich thoughts.” – Jordan Belfort
“If you give people a good enough ‘why’, they will always figure out the ‘how’.” – Jordan Belfort
“Do you guys not want to make money?” – Jordan Belfort
“I’m in this for the long run, you know?” – Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort The Wolf of Wall Street movie quotes
“I’m not fucking leaving! The show goes on!” – Jordan Belfort
“On a daily basis I consume enough drugs to sedate Manhattan, Long Island, and Queens for a month. I take Quaaludes 10-15 times a day for my “back pain”, Adderall to stay focused, Xanax to take the edge off, pot to mellow me out, cocaine to wake me back up again, and morphine… Well, because it’s awesome.” – Jordan Belfort
“I am not gonna die sober!” – Jordan Belfort
“My warriors, who won’t take ‘No’ for an answer. Who won’t hang up the phone till their client either buys. Or fucking dies!” – Jordan Belfort
“Still, give them to me young, hungry, and stupid. And in no time, I will make them rich.” – Jordan Belfort
“At least as a rich man when I have to face my problems I show up at the back of a limo wearing a $2,000 suit and a $40,000 gold fucking watch.” – Jordan Belfort
“Sell me this pen.” – Jordan Belfort
“with this script I’ll teach each and every one of you to be the best” – Jordan Belfort
“Was all this legal? Absolutely not but we were making more money then we knew what to do with.” – Jordan Belfort
“My name is Jordan Belfort. The year I turned 26, I made 49 million dollars, which really pissed me off because it was three shy of a million a week.” – Jordan Belfort
“They’re gonna have to send in the national guard if they wanna take me down. I ain’t going anywhere!!” – Jordan Belfort
“Let me tell you something. There’s no nobility in poverty. I’ve been a poor man, and I’ve been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time.” – Jordan Belfort
“What kind of person are you? Tell me.” – Jordan Belfort
“I’m not talking about Buddhists or Amish. I’m talking about normal people, working-class everyday people. Everyone wants to get rich. Am I crazy?” – Jordan Belfort
“This is the greatest company in the world” – Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort quotes on success
“I want you to back yourself into a corner. Give yourself no choice but to succeed. Let the consequences of failure become so dire and so unthinkable that you’ll have no choice but to do whatever it takes to succeed.” – Jordan Belfort
“Playing it safe and taking no risks is a shortcut to poverty.” – Jordan Belfort
“If money isn’t everything work at McDonald’s.” – Jordan Belfort
“Don’t follow the path. Blaze the trail.” – Jordan Belfort
“You grow stronger from failure than you do from success.” – Jordan Belfort
“Everything that has happened to you up to this point is irrelevant. It’s your past.” – Jordan Belfort
“Act as if! Act as if you’re a wealthy man, rich already, and then you’ll surely become rich. Act as if you have unmatched confidence and then people will surely have confidence in you.” – Jordan Belfort
“Average sucks.” – Jordan Belfort
“If you try and fail, people will praise you for trying. If you fail to even try people will ignore you.” – Jordan Belfort
“Have you got the guts to live?” – Jordan Belfort
“If you want to be rich, never give up. People tend to give up. If you have persistence, you will come out ahead of most people. more importantly, you will learn.” – Jordan Belfort
“Create a vision that makes you wanna jump out of bed in the morning.” – Jordan Belfort
“I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich.” – Jordan Belfort
“I’m constantly asking myself questions. And the problem with that is that your brain is like a computer: If you ask a question, it’s programmed to respond, whether there’s an answer or not. I’m constantly weighing everything in my mind and trying to predict how my actions will influence events.” – Jordan Belfort
“Best way to sell something: don’t sell anything. Earn awareness, respect and trust of those who might buy.” – Jordan Belfort
“There are always patterns in everything, there are patterns in books, there are patterns in human behavior, there are patterns in success, there are patterns for everything in life. You just need to pay attention to them.” – Jordan Belfort
“The story you tell yourself is exactly what holds you back from being successful.” – Jordan Belfort
“Dream stompers are people who want to stomp on your hopes and dreams. Lose their phone numbers.” – Jordan Belfort
“You need to see things as they are, not worse than they are, than see them better than they are and make them that way.” – Jordan Belfort
“Whether you say ‘I can’ or ‘I can’t’ you’re right either way.” – Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort quotes on business & sales
“The story that you tell yourself is exactly what holds you back from being successful.” – Jordan Belfort
“Don’t hang up until the client either buys or dies.” – Jordan Belfort
“There’s no way to succeed in business without the highest ethical standards.” – Jordan Belfort
“Some people say that it’s so hard with the Internet, but I know for a fact that the Internet has made it easier for someone to establish themselves. There’s so much you can do online. If you know how to use it right, the web serves as the great equalizer for someone that’s just getting into business.” – Jordan Belfort
“No one hangs up the phone until the customer buys or dies.” – Jordan Belfort
“Best way to sell something: don’t sell anything. Earn the awareness, respect and trust of those who might buy.” – Jordan Belfort
“Everyone does this shit.’” I paused, letting Elliot’s words hang in the air. Then I said, “There’s no denying that he had a point. You see it in jewelry stores all the time: They inflate their price tags and then mark things down right in front of you so you think you’re getting a good deal.” I paused again, then: “And all this business about an overorder isn’t much different than all those stores you see advertising ‘ going-out-of-business sales.’ Most of them have been advertising the same going-out-of-business sale for the last ten years, and in ten more years they’ll still be going out of business!” – Jordan Belfort
“You do not want to try to resolve their pain at this point. In fact, if anything, you want to amplify that pain.” – Jordan Belfort
“Hard work beats talent. Every time!” – Jordan Belfort
“Risk is what keeps us young.” – Joanna Lumley
“When the window of opportunity open, that’s when you work twice as hard.” – Jordan Belfort
“One thing I can promise you is that I never ask my clients to judge me on my winners, I ask them to judge me on my losers because I have so few.” – Jordan Belfort
“It’s business. Leave your emotions at the door.” – Jordan Belfort
“97% of the people who quit too soon are employed by the 3% who didn’t.” – Jordan Belfort
“I’m not ashamed to admit it. When we arrived to prison, I was absolutely terrified. But I needn’t have been. See, for a brief fleeting moment, I’d forgotten I was rich and I lived in a place where everything was for sale. Wouldn’t you like to learn how to sell it?” – Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort quotes on life
“But what I sincerely hope is that my life serves as a cautionary tale to the rich and poor alike; to anyone who’s living with a spoon up their nose and a bunch of pills dissolving in their stomach sac; or to any person who’s considering taking a God-given gift and misusing it; to anyone who decides to go to the dark side of the force and live a life of unbridled hedonism. And to anyone who thinks there’s anything glamorous about being known as a Wolf of Wall Street. BOOK I” – Jordan Belfort
“It’s like playing a game of chess with your own life. And I hate fucking chess!” – Jordan Belfort
“And from the time I was a kid, I’ve had this internal monologue roaring through my head, which doesn’t stop – unless I’m asleep. I’m sure every person has this; it’s just that my monologue is particularly loud. And particularly troublesome. I’m constantly asking myself questions. And the problem with that is that your brain is like a computer: If you ask a question, it’s programmed to respond, whether there’s an answer or not. I’m constantly weighing everything in my mind and trying to predict how my actions will influence events. Or maybe manipulate events are the more appropriate words. It’s like playing a game of chess with your own life. And I hate fucking chess!” – Jordan Belfort
“You are not the mistakes of your past, but the resources and capabilities that you have gleaned from your past.” – Jordan Belfort
“It was all about excess: about crossing over forbidden lines, about doing things you thought you’d never do and associating with people who were even wilder than yourself, so you’d feel that much more normal about your own life.” – Jordan Belfort
“It’s the emotions that we feel that dictate the quality of our life.” – Jordan Belfort
“Empowering beliefs lead to a lifetime of joy and happiness and disempowering beliefs lead to a life of quiet desperation . That’s the way it is. You cannot rise above the level of your limiting beliefs. Crack those limiting beliefs!” – Jordan Belfort
“I have no problem living with risk in my life. It’s what separates the men from the boys.” – Jordan Belfort
“One of the things I really believe in is that all change happens in an instant. That’s it. Change doesn’t take a long time. It’s a misconception. “It’s got to be painful and costly and drag on forever.” What takes a long time is feeling enough pain in your life, like I did, until you get ready to change.” – Jordan Belfort
“To anyone who’s living with a spoon up their nose and a bunch of pills dissolving in their stomach sac; or to any person who’s considering taking a God-given gift and misusing it; to anyone who decides to go to the dark side of the force and live a life of unbridled hedonism.” – Jordan Belfort
“What I sincerely hope is that my life serves as a cautionary tale to the rich and poor alike” – Jordan Belfort
“It’s not how you actually perform that earns you the respect of your peers. Its the fact that you went out and actually did it.” – Jordan Belfort
“My yacht and my plane gone in ten days. I lost a plane and a boat, you’d think I would have taken this a sign to slow down.” – Jordan Belfort
“If you can’t sell, if you can’t influence, good luck getting your business off the ground.” – Jordan Belfort
“Turn around! Let’s go the other fucking way!” – Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort quotes on money
“Yeah, that’s right; money is the greatest single problem-solver known to man…” – Jordan Belfort
“Look at them; as much money as they make, every last one of them is broke! They spend every dime they have, trying to keep up with my lifestyle. But they can’t, because they don’t make enough. So they end up living paycheck to paycheck on a million bucks a year. It’s hard to imagine, considering how you grew up, but, nevertheless, it is what it is.” – Jordan Belfort
“Money is the tool, my child, not the mason; it can help you make acquaintances but not true friends; and it might buy you a life of leisure but not a life of peace.” – Jordan Belfort
“There’s no nobility in poverty. I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, and I choose rich every time. At least as a rich man, when I have to face my problems, I can show up in the back of a stretch limousine, wearing a two-thousand-dollar suit and a twenty-thousand-dollar gold watch! And, believe me, arriving in style makes your problems a helluva lot easier to deal with.” – Jordan Belfort
“People don’t buy stock; it gets sold to them. Don’t ever forget that.” – Jordan Belfort
“After all, it was the nature of twentieth-century capitalism that everyone should scam everyone, and he who scammed the most ultimately won the game. On that basis, I was the undefeated world champ.” – Jordan Belfort
There’s only 1 way to get rich, quick! But not through a get rich quick scheme. There’s a difference. – Jordan Belfort
“Act as if you’re a wealthy man, rich already, and you will become rich. Act as if you have unmatched confidence, and people will have confidence in you. Act as if you have all the answers, and the answers will come to you.” – Jordan Belfort
“You wanna know what money sounds like? Go to a trading floor on Wall Street.” – Jordan Belfort
“I have been a rich man and I have been a poor man. And I choose rich every fucking time. Because at least as a rich man, when I have to face my problems, I show up in the back of a limo, wearing a $2,000 suit and a $40,000 gold fucking watch!” – Jordan Belfort
“Money is the oxygen of capitalism and I wanna breathe more than any man alive.” – Jordan Belfort
“You see money doesn’t just buy you a better life, better food, better cars, better women, it makes you actually a better person. You can give generously to your church or political party of your choice.” – Jordan Belfort
“You Show Me A Pay Stub For $72,000, I Quit My Job Right Now And Work For You.” – Jordan Belfort
“The only thing that of course bummed me out a little bit about this whole idea is having to give information about my friends.” – Jordan Belfort
Jordan Belfort The Wolf of Wall Street Mark Hanna quotes
“Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket. I myself, I jerk off at least twice a day.” – Mark Hanna
“It’s his first day on Wall Street. Give him time.” – Mark Hanna
“The name of the game, moving the money from the client’s pocket to your pocket.” – Mark Hanna
“There’s two keys to success in the broker business. First of all, you gotta stay relaxed.” – Mark Hanna
“So you gotta feed the geese to keep the blood flowing. And keep the rhythm below the belt.” – Mark Hanna
“This is not a tip, this is a prescription. Trust me. If you don’t, you will fall out of balance. Glitch your differential and the tip fuck over. Or worse yet, I’ve seen this happen, implode.” – Mark Hanna
“Yeah. Implosions are ugly.” – Mark Hanna
“Pop off to the bathroom, work one out anytime you can. And when you get really good at it, you’ll be fucking stroking it and you’ll be thinking about money.” – Mark Hanna
“Keep the client on the ferris wheel, and it goes, the park is open twenty-four, seven, three, six, five. Every decade, every Goddamn century. That’s it.” – Mark Hanna
“With a common denominator.” – Mark Hanna
“Keep it up for me.” – Mark Hanna
“The CEO. How the money comes in. The parade comes to town. Going down Broadway. It’s a one way street, whichever way I go.” – Mark Hanna
“I know your family, you know mine! No, I don’t know, from some fucking country in Europe took a shit. Let them do what they want to fucking do. Our market’s solid.” – Mark Hanna
“Do not answer the phone. A lot of people are gonna be calling you, trying to get your dirty laundry.” – Mark Hanna
“Number one rule of Wall Street. Nobody… and I don’t care if you’re Warren Buffet or if you’re Jimmy Buffet. Nobody knows if a stock is gonna go up, down, sideways or in fucking circles. Least of all, stockbrokers, right?” – Mark Hanna
Famous Jordan Belfort quotes
“Perhaps I should have run the other way right then and there, realizing that a guy like this might bring out the worst in me.” – Jordan Belfort
“After all, guilt and remorse were worthless emotions, weren’t they? Well, I knew they weren’t; but I had no time for them. Forward motion; that was the key. Run as fast as you can and don’t look back.” – Jordan Belfort
″‘One day’ – I gestured with my chin toward the plate glass – ‘all that will be gone, and so will all that so-called loyalty. And when that day comes, I don’t want you to have any knowledge of some of the things that went on here. That’s why I’m evasive with you sometimes. It’s not that I don’t trust you or that I don’t respect you – or that I don’t value your opinion. It’s the opposite, Dad. I keep things from you because I love you, and because I admire you, and because I want to protect you from the fallout when all this starts to unwind.‘” – Jordan Belfort
“He was a complicated man, my father; a man of great mental capacity who was driven to succeed yet humbled into mediocrity by his own emotional limitations.” – Jordan Belfort
“It was as if I was bulletproof or something. How many times had I cheated death?” – Jordan Belfort
“Every human being, after all, is possessed with the undeniable urge to confess his sins. Religions were built on such things. And kingdoms were conquered with the promise that all sins would be forgiven afterward.” – Jordan Belfort
“When it’s all said and done, it’s the energy we send out into the universe that often comes back to us. That’s a universal law, love.” – Jordan Belfort
“In retrospect, I remember feeling somewhat relieved – that the chaos and insanity would finally be behind me.” – Jordan Belfort
“The Wolf strikes again!” – Jordan Belfort
“If anyone over here thinks I’m superficial or materialistic, go get a job at McDonald’s because that’s where you belong.” – Jordan Belfort
“On a daily basis, I consume enough drugs to sedate Manhattan, Long Island, and Queens for a month.” – Jordan Belfort
“I wanted a gay butler, just like the one I’d seen on the show Dynasty – or was it Dallas? So Janet went on a quest to find me a gay butler, which, of course, she quickly did. His name was Patrick the Butler, and he was so gay that he had flames shooting out of his asshole.” – Jordan Belfort
“Give us two Absolut martinis, Luis, straight up. And then bring us two more in” – he looked at his thick gold Rolex watch – “exactly seven and a half minutes until one of us passes out.” – Jordan Belfort
“Who could argue with such success? The amount of money being made was staggering. A rookie stockbroker was expected to make $250,000 his first year. Anything less and he was suspect. By year two you were making $500,000 or you were considered weak and worthless. And by year three you’d better be making a million or more or you were a complete laughing stock. And those were only the minimums; big producers made triple than that.” – Jordan Belfort
“Hi, my name is Jordan, and I’m alcoholic, a Quaalude addict, and a cocaine addict. I’m also addicted to Xanax and Valium and morphine and Klonopin and GHB and marijuana and Percocet and mescaline and just about everything else, including high-priced hookers, medium-priced hookers, and an occasional streetwalker, but only when I feel like punishing myself. Sometimes I take an afternoon massage at one of those Korean joints, and I have a young Korean girl jerk me off with baby oil. I always offer her a couple of hundred extra if she’ll stick her tongue up my ass, but it’s sort of hit or miss, because of the language barrier. Anyway, I never wear a condom, just on general principles. I’ve been sober for five whole days now, and I’m walking around with a constant erection. I miss my wife terribly, and if you really want to resent me I’ll show you a picture of her.” – Jordan Belfort
“You be ferocious! You be relentless! You be telephone fucking terrorists! Now let’s knock this motherfucker out of the park!” – Jordan Belfort
FAQs | Motivational Jordan Belfort quotes
Here are some frequently asked questions about Jordan Belfort quotes.
Who is Jordan Belfort?
Jordan Belfort is an American author, motivational speaker, and former stockbroker. Jordan made millions in the 1990s through his investment company, Stratton Oakmont.
What is Jordan Belfort famous for?
In 1999, Jordan Belfort pleaded guilty to securities fraud and money laundering. He was sentenced for four years but only served 22 months in prison and published his first memoir, The Wolf of Wall Street.
The following year he released his second memoir, Catching the Wolf of Wall Street which has been published in approximately 40 countries and translated into 18 languages.
Final thoughts on Jordan Belfort quotes
I hope you enjoyed this epic list of the best inspirational Jordan Belfort quotes.
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