Are you looking for the most inspirational Mark Zuckerberg quotes of all time? Then you’ve come to the right place.
Mark Zuckerberg is an American entrepreneur who launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm in 2004. He rapidly ascended to become one of the youngest self-made billionaires globally.
As CEO, Mark has guided the platform’s evolution into Meta, shaping it into a dominant force in social media and digital communication.
In this article, you’ll discover a collection of 200+ of the most inspiring and best Mark Zuckerberg quotes on business, success, Facebook, leadership, social media, life, and much more (be sure to check out the FAQ section for some bonus content as well).
Let’s get started.
Table of Contents
Best Mark Zuckerberg quotes of all time
Here are some of the best Mark Zuckerberg quotes of all time I’ve come across around the web.
“We’re running the company to serve more people.”

Mark Zuckerberg
CEO at Facebook
“People have really gotten comfortable not only sharing more information and different kinds, but more openly and with more people – and that social norm is just something that has evolved over time.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Really, who you are is defined by the people who you know – not even the people that you know, but the people you spend time with and the people that you love and the people that you work with. I guess we show your friends in your profile, but that’s kind of different from the information you put in your profile.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I started the site when I was 19. I didn’t know much about business back then.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“My goal was never to make Facebook cool. I am not a cool person.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The amount of trust and bandwidth that you build up working with someone for five, seven, 10 years? It’s just awesome. I care about openness and connectedness in a global sense.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“There is a huge need and a huge opportunity to get everyone in the world connected, to give everyone a voice and to help transform society for the future. The scale of the technology and infrastructure that must be built is unprecedented, and we believe this is the most important problem we can focus on.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The question isn’t, ‘What do we want to know about people?’, It’s, ‘What do people want to tell about themselves?’” – Mark Zuckerberg
“When you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system usually ends up in a really good place. So, what we view our role as, is giving people that power.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Our philosophy is that we care about people first.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Our work to improve privacy continues today.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“In the olden times, privacy was good. Today people want to share, people are more open.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg motivational quotes
“A squirrel dying in front of your house may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Almost any mistake you can make in running a company, I’ve probably made.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The companies that work are the ones that people really care about and have a vision for the world so do something you like.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The trick isn’t adding stuff, it’s taking away.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“You grow more when you get more people’s perspective.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“People influence people. Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. A trusted referral influences people more than the best broadcast message. A trusted referral is the Holy Grail of advertising.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If we want to have the biggest impact, the best way to do this is to make sure we always focus on solving the most important problems.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“When you want to change things, you can’t please everyone. If you do please everyone, you aren’t making enough progress.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If things aren’t breaking, then you’re not moving fast enough. People learn by making mistakes.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Don’t discount yourself, no matter what you’re doing. Everyone has a unique perspective that they can bring to the world.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Young people are just smarter.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I would only hire someone to work directly for me if I was willing to work for that person.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The most important thing is to keep your team as small as possible.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I generally think if you do good things for people in the world, that comes back and you benefit from it over time.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“There’s a difference between being obsessed and being motivated.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg inspirational quotes
“I’d like to show an improved product rather than just talk about things we might do.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Our mission is to make the world more open and connected. We do this by giving people the power to share whatever they want and be connected to whoever they want, no matter where they are.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“What really motivates people at Facebook is building stuff that they’re proud of.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“People often say that it is easier to predict the way things are going to be 10 to 20 years in the future than to predict how it is going to be 3 years from now.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“A lot of the time the experts, the people who are supposed to be able to tell you what to do, will tell you that you can’t do something even when you know you can. And a lot of the time it’s your friends … who tell you you can do it.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We’re really at this point where we can take a step back and think about the next big things that we want to do.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Openness fundamentally affects a lot of the core institutions in society – the media, the economy, how people relate to the government and just their leadership.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Whenever I go to a new city, in order to help get on the right time zone and actually get a chance to see that city, I like running.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I like to pride myself on thinking pretty long term, but not that long term.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We’ve changed our internal motto from “Move fast and break things” to “Move fast with stable infrastructure.”” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Mobile is a lot closer to TV than it is to desktop.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“A guy who makes a new chair doesn’t owe money to everyone who ever built a chair.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I mostly built stuff that I liked.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The thing I really care about is the mission, making the world open.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I think video is a mega trend, almost as big as mobile.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg quotes on business
“Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“You are better off trying something and having it not work and learning from that than not doing anything at all.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“People can be really smart or have skills that are directly applicable, but if they don’t really believe in it, then they are not going to really work hard.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The question I ask myself like almost every day is, ‘Am I doing the most important thing I could be doing?’ … Unless I feel like I’m working on the most important problem that I can help with, then I’m not going to feel good about how I’m spending my time.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Advertising works most effectively when it’s in line with what people are already trying to do.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I think as a company, if you can get those two things right – having a clear direction on what you are trying to do and bringing in great people who can execute on the stuff – then you can do pretty well.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Building a mission and building a business go hand-in-hand.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We look for people who are passionate about something. In a way, it almost doesn’t matter what you’re passionate about.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I think a simple rule of business is, if you do the things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of progress.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“A frustration I have is that a lot of people increasingly seem to equate an advertising business model with somehow being out of alignment with your customers. I think it’s the most ridiculous concept.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“About half my time is spent on business operation type stuff.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We are a mission-driven company. In order to do this, we have to build a great team. And in order to do that, you need people to know they can make a bunch of money. So we need a business model to make a lot of money.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg quotes on success
“I mean, the real story is actually pretty boring, right? I mean, we just sat at our computers for six years and coded.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“People don’t care about what you say, they care about what you build.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Give everyone the power to share anything with anyone.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If you just work on stuff that you like and you’re passionate about, you don’t have to have a master plan with how things will play out.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Our society needs more heroes who are scientists, researchers, and engineers. We need to celebrate and reward the people who cure diseases, expand our understanding of humanity and work to improve people’s lives.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I look at Google and think they have a strong academic culture. Elegant solutions to complex problems.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Don’t let anyone tell you to change who you are.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I’m here to build something for the long-term. Anything else is a distraction.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Instead of building walls, we can help build bridges.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I think the internet is really good in general because it helps people get access to more information.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“By giving people the power to share, we’re making the world more transparent.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Whatever you build, build with care. Anyone who has built something big, has done it with care.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“A guy who make a new chair doesn’t owe money to everyone who ever built a chair.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“In fifteen years we’ll be teaching programming just like reading and writing, and wondering why we didn’t do it sooner.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Every application will be designed from the ground up to use real identity and friends.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“You don’t let people deter you. That’s how you do it.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“It is important for young entrepreneurs to be adequately self-aware to know what they do not know.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“In terms of doing work and in terms of learning and evolving as a person, you just grow more when you get more people’s perspectives, I really try and live the mission of the company and keep everything else in my life extremely simple.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The biggest mistake we’ve made as a company is betting on HTML5 over native.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“My goal was never to just create a company. It was to build something that actually makes a really big change in the world.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We’re making a long-term bet that immersive, virtual and augmented reality will become a part of people’s daily life.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Books allow you to fully explore a topic and immerse yourself in a deeper way than most media today.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“It takes courage to choose hope over fear.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“My number one piece of advice is: You should learn how to program.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg quotes on leadership
“My friends are people who like building cool stuff. We always have this joke about people who want to just start companies without making something valuable. There’s a lot of that in Silicon Valley.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“You get a reputation for stability if you are stable for years.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Founding a company is hard. Most of it isn’t smooth. You’ll have to make very hard decisions. You have to fire a few people. Therefore, if you don’t believe in your mission, giving up is easy. The majority of founders give up. But the best founders don’t give up.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If you’re always under the pressure of real identity, I think that is somewhat of a burden.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I’m trying to make the world a more open place.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I think that more flow of information, the ability to stay connected to more people makes people more effective as people. And I mean, that’s true socially. It makes you have more fun, right. It feels better to be more connected to all these people. You have a richer life.” – Mark Zuckerberg
There are people who are really good managers, people who can manage a big organization, and then there are people who are very analytic or focused on strategy. Those two types don’t usually tend to be in the same person. I would put myself much more in the latter camp.
Inspiring Mark Zuckerberg quotes on entrepreneurship
“All of my friends who have younger siblings who are going to college or high school – my number one piece of advice is: You should learn how to program.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Facebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission – to make the world more open and connected.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Find that thing you are super passionate about.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Simply put: we don’t build services to make money; we make money to build better services.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We don’t build services to make money, we make money to build better services.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“People think innovation is just having a good idea but a lot of it is just moving quickly and trying a lot of things.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“This is a perverse thing, personally, but I would rather be in the cycle where people are underestimating us. It gives us latitude to go out and make big bets that excite and amaze people.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I think that people just have this core desire to express who they are. And I think that’s always existed.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“You don’t get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“My goal was never to just create a company. A lot of people misinterpret that, as if I don’t care about revenue or profit or any of those things. But what not being “just” a company means to me is building something that actually makes a really big change in the world.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I literally coded Facebook in my dorm room and launched it from my dorm room. I rented a server for $85 a month, and I funded it by putting an ad on the site, and we’ve funded ever since by putting ads on the site.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“One of things that I do focus on at Facebook is making sure the culture is very friendly and that people hang out. So instead of having 20% of people’s time working on projects I make people hang out with each other.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I made so many mistakes in running the company so far, basically any mistake you can think of I probably made. I think, if anything, the Facebook story is a great example of how if you’re building a product that people love you can make a lot of mistakes” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We want Facebook to be one of the best places people can go to learn how to build stuff. If you want to build a company, nothing better than jumping in and trying to build one. But Facebook is also great for entrepreneurs/hackers. If people want to come for a few years and move on and build something great, that’s something we’re proud of.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg quotes about technology
“At Facebook, we’re inspired by technologies that have revolutionized how people spread and consume information. We often talk about inventions like the printing press and the television — by simply making communication more efficient, they led to a complete transformation of many important parts of society. They gave more people a voice. They encouraged progress. They changed the way society was organized. They brought us closer together.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I remember flying in, driving down 101 in a cab, and passing by all these tech companies like Yahoo! I remember thinking, ‘Maybe someday we’ll build a company. This probably isn’t it, but one day we will.’” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If people want change, then they will find a way to get that change. So, whatever technology they may or may not have used was neither a necessary nor sufficient case for getting to the outcome that they got to, but having people who wanted change was.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Critics worry that if we spend time paying attention to that new kind of media or technology instead of talking to each other that that is somehow isolating. But humans are fundamentally social. So I think in reality, if a technology doesn’t actually help us socially understand each other better, it isn’t going to catch on and succeed.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I think people tend to be worried about every new technology that comes along.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“While we generally believe in free speech and giving everyone as much ability to speak as possible, in practice there are lots of barriers to that, whether it’s legal restrictions, technological restrictions or you can’t share what you want if you don’t have access to the internet.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Virtual Reality is going to be an important technology. I am pretty confident about this.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The basis of our partnership strategy and our partnership approach: We build the social technology. They provide the music.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I hope that Facebook and other Internet technologies were able to help people, just like we hope that we help them communicate and organize and do whatever they want to every single day, but I don’t pretend that if Facebook didn’t exist, that this wouldn’t even be possible. Of course, it would have.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg quotes about coding
“I don’t want to be in a situation where I have to leave some other commitment or worse I am rude and someone else has to support my stuff. I stopped coding for Facebook a while ago.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The last six years have been a lot of coding and focus and hard work. But maybe it would be fun to remember it as partying and all this crazy drama.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Hackathons are these things where just all of the Facebook engineers get together and stay up all night building things. And, I mean, usually at these hackathons, I code too, just alongside everyone.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If we’re trying to build a world-class News Feed and a world-class messaging product and a world-class search product and a world-class ad system, and invent virtual reality and build drones, I can’t write every line of code. I can’t write any lines of code.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If there is a bug in your code than you have to drop everything you’re doing and go fix it.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I just think people have a lot of fiction. But, you know, I mean, the real story of Facebook is just that we’ve worked so hard for all this time. I mean, the real story is actually probably pretty boring, right? I mean, we just sat at our computers for six years and coded.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The real story of Facebook is just that we’ve worked so hard for all this time. I mean, the real story is actually probably pretty boring, right? I mean, we just sat at our computers for six years and coded.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We have a rule that if you check in code, you have to maintain it. So I mostly code on the side. I don’t check in code anymore.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“When I’m introspective about the last few years I think the biggest mistake that we made, as a company, is betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native… because it just wasn’t there. And it’s not that HTML5 is bad. I’m actually, on long-term, really excited about it. One of the things that’s interesting is we actually have more people on a daily basis using mobile Web Facebook than we have using our iOS or Android apps combined. So mobile Web is a big thing for us.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg quotes about social media
“It is really important for us that people understand what the strategy is and that the real approach is to make everything social, not to build a vertical approach.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Stuff like photos and events and groups – we’ve built pretty basic versions of those apps to start but they ended up being so much more used because of their social integrations.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I think there’s confusion around what the point of social networks is. A lot of different companies characterized as social networks have different goals – some serve the function of business networking, some are media portals. What we’re trying to do is just make it really efficient for people to communicate, get information and share information.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Our role is to be a platform for making all of these apps more social, and it’s kind of an extension of what we see happening on the web, with the exception of mobile, which I think will be even more important than the web in a few years – maybe even sooner.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Our strategy is very horizontal. We’re trying to build a social layer for everything. Basically we’re trying to make it so that every app everywhere can be social whether it’s on the web, or mobile, or other devices.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“There are social restrictions where someone could be suppressing someone else’s freedom to express themselves.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Back, you know, a few generations ago, people didn’t have a way to share information and express their opinions efficiently to a lot of people. But now they do. Right now, with social networks and other tools on the Internet, all of these 500 million people have a way to say what they’re thinking and have their voice be heard.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Right now, with social networks and other tools on the Internet, all of these 500 million people have a way to say what they’re thinking and have their voice be heard.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Our goal is to make it so there’s as little friction as possible to having a social experience.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“On engagement, we’re already seeing that mobile users are more likely to be daily active users than desktop users. They’re more likely to use Facebook six or seven days of the week.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Providing the best photo sharing experience is one reason why so many people love Facebook and we knew it would be worth bringing these two companies together.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Google, I think, in some ways, is more competitive and certainly is trying to build their own little version of Facebook.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Video is growing very quickly on Facebook. A lot of people compare that to YouTube. I think that kind of makes sense. YouTube isn’t the only video service, but I think it’s the biggest, and it probably makes more sense to compare Facebook video to YouTube rather than Netflix because that’s a completely different kind of content.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Facebook and Instagram are both really popular with teens, both in the U.S. and globally across the world. I think what you’re starting to see is that there are all these different ways that people want to share and communicate.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg quotes about Facebook
“[Facebook] is shaping a broader web. If you look back for the past five or seven years, the story about social networking has really been about getting people connected… But if you look forward for the next five years, I think that the story people are going to remember five years from now isn’t how this one site was built; it is how every single service that you use is now going to be better with your friends.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Facebook is all about information and helping people share it.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Facebook is inherently viral.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“More than four million businesses have Pages on Facebook that they use to have a dialogue with their customers.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The point of Facebook isn’t the features, it’s the people.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“You know, you really don’t need a forensics team to get to the bottom of this. If you guys were the inventors of Facebook, you’d have invented Facebook.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Find that thing you are super passionate about. A lot of founding principles of Facebook are that if people have access to more information and are more connected, it will make the world better; people will have more understanding, more empathy. That’s the guiding principle for me. On hard days, I really just step back, and that’s the thing that keeps me going.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If Facebook were a country, it would be the 8th most populated in the world, just ahead of Japan.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If the original Facebook was the first five minutes [of a conversation] and the stream was the next 15, what I want to show you today is the rest-the next few hours of a deep engaging conversation.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The world is changing so quickly, with mobile stuff and different platforms emerging, that I think it’s more likely that the biggest competitor for Facebook is someone that we haven’t heard of. What that means for us is that we should just really stay focused on what we’re doing.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Connecting the world is really important, and that is something that we want to do. That is why Facebook is here on this planet.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“In addition to building better products, a more open world will also encourage businesses to engage with their customers directly and authentically. More than four million businesses have Pages on Facebook that they use to have a dialogue with their customers. We expect this trend to grow as well.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I think Facebook is an online directory for colleges… If I want to get information about you, I just go to TheFacebook, type in your name, and it hopefully pulls up all the information I’d care to know about you.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“There are a few other things that I built when I was at Harvard that were kind of smaller versions of Facebook. One such program was this program called Match. People could enter the different courses that they were taking, and see what other courses would be correlated with the courses they are taking.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“After launching the first version of Facebook for a few thousand users, we would discuss how this should be built for the world. It wasn’t even a thought that maybe it could be us. We always thought it would be someone else doing it.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Health is certainly extremely important, and we’ve done a number of things at Facebook to help improve global health and work in that area, and I am excited to do more there, too. But the reality is that it’s not an either-or. People need to be healthy and be able to have the Internet as a backbone to connect them to the whole economy.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I actually don’t read most of the coverage about Facebook. I try to learn from getting input from people who use our services directly more than from pundits.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If we really just wanted to focus on making money, the first billion people who are already on Facebook have way more money than the next five or six billion people combined. It’s not fair, but it’s the way that it is. And, we just believe that everyone deserves to be connected, and on the Internet, so we’re putting a lot of energy towards this.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“One of the things that we’re trying to do with Creative Labs and all our experiences is explore things that aren’t all tied to Facebook identity. Some things will be, but not everything will have to be, because there are some sets of experiences that are just better with other identities.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The thing that’s been really surprising about the evolution of Facebook is – I think then, and I think now – that if we didn’t do this, someone else would have done it.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We help Chinese companies grow their customers abroad. They use Facebook ads to find more customers. For example, Lenovo used Facebook ads to sell its new phone. In China, I also see economic growth. We admire it.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We started off as this platform inside Facebook; and we were pretty clear from the beginning that that wasn’t where it was going to end up. A lot of people saw it and asked, ‘Why is Facebook trying to get all these applications inside Facebook when the web is clearly the platform?’ And we actually agreed with that.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“When Facebook was getting started, nothing used real identity – everything was anonymous or pseudonymous – and I thought that real identity should play a bigger part than it did.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We’re a community of a billion-plus people, and the best-selling phones – apart from the iPhone – can sell 10, 20 million. If we did build a phone, we’d only reach 1 or 2 percent of our users. That doesn’t do anything awesome for us. We wanted to turn as many phones as possible into ‘Facebook phones.’ That’s what Facebook Home is.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“When we are thinking about stuff like embeds, we are not thinking about how we are competing with YouTube. We are thinking about how are we going to make it more useful for people to share stuff on Facebook.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“When we were a smaller company, Facebook login was widely adopted, and the growth rate for it has been quite quick. But in order to get to the next level and become more ubiquitous, it needs to be trusted even more.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Working with a lot of people at the same time is a task. I really like making stuff and getting stuff done. One of the things I really liked about Facebook was that I could always move so quickly. I wrote the original application in, like, nine days at the end of January.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“There have been misperceptions that we’re trying to make all the information open on Facebook, and that’s completely false. There are big buckets of information that we recommend that you share with only your friends privately. Then some of the more basic information, we recommend that that’s visible to everyone.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The world isn’t set up equally, and the first billion people using Facebook have way more money than the rest of the world combined.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The primary things that people do on the Facebook is they use it to share with their friends and the people around them and their community, and they use it to keep in touch with people.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“It only took me two weeks to build the first version of Facebook because I had so much stuff before then.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I actually remember very specifically the night that I launched Facebook at Harvard. I used to go out to get pizza with a friend who I did all my computer science homework with. And I remember talking to him and saying I am so happy we have this at Harvard because now our community can be connected but one day someone is going to build this for the world.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Of course, hate speech and racism have no place on Facebook.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“In a lot of ways Berlin is a symbol for me of Facebook’s mission: bringing people together, connecting people and breaking down boundaries.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I personally don’t invest in a lot of companies because I think it would be a conflict of interest and Facebook doesn’t typically either.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The real question for me is, do people have the tools that they need in order to make those decisions well? And I think that it’s actually really important that Facebook continually makes it easier and easier to make those decisions… If people feel like they don’t have control over how they’re sharing things, then we’re failing them.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg quotes about ideas
“We used to write this down by saying, ‘move fast and break things.’ And the idea was, unless you are breaking some stuff you are not moving fast enough. I think there’s probably something in that for other entrepreneurs to learn which is that making mistakes is okay. At the end of the day, the goal of building something is to build something, not to not make mistakes.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“What Facebook stands for in the world is giving people a voice and spreading ideas and rationalism.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“It’s not because of the amount of money. For me and my colleagues, the most important thing is that we create an open information flow for people. Having media corporations owned by conglomerates is just not an attractive idea to me.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Some of the best ideas throughout the company’s evolution have been from places all throughout the company whether it’s an engineer or someone on the customer support team. Just different areas around the company.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“When I started Facebook from my dorm room in 2004, the idea that my roommates and I talked about all the time was a world that was more open.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“People love photos. Photos originally weren’t that big a part of the idea for Facebook, but we just found that people really like them, so we built out this functionality.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We talk about this concept of openness and transparency as the high-level ideal that we’re moving towards at Facebook. The way that we get there is by empowering people to share and connect. The combination of those two things leads the world to become more open.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I feel that the best companies are started not because the founder wanted a company but because the founder wanted to change the world… If you decide you want to found a company, you maybe start to develop your first idea. And hire lots of workers.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg quotes about risks
“Move fast, take risks, it’s okay to try big things you’re better off trying something and having it not work and learning from that than having not done anything at all.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The biggest risk is not taking any risk.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“So many businesses get worried about looking like they might make a mistake, they become afraid to take any risk. Companies are set up so that people judge each other on failure. I am not going to get fired if we have a bad year. Or a bad five years. I don’t have to worry about making things look good if they’re not. I can actually set up the company to create value.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If you don’t risk anything you risk everything.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“In a world that’s changing so quickly, you’re guaranteed to fail if you don’t take any risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Companies face a handful of different risks, whether it is competitors or different market environments. But I think that people focus way too much on competitors and not enough on their own execution.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Top Mark Zuckerberg quotes about education
“We are so fortunate that our work in connecting the world through Facebook has given us the ability to give back to our local community, our country and the world — and to work to improve education, health care and internet access for everyone, to serve our community in San Francisco, we can think of no better place to focus than The General.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If you live in an area where there is not a good school, the internet may be the best way to get access to a lot of education material. The same is true if there is not a good doctor – the internet may be the best way to get access to health.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“When people are connected, we can just do some great things. They have the opportunity to get access to jobs, education, health, communications. We have the opportunity to bring the people we care about closer to us.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg quotes about college
“When I was in college, I remember thinking to myself, this internet thing is awesome because you can look up anything you want, you can read news, you can download music, you can watch movies, you can find information on Google, you can get reference material on Wikipedia, except the thing that is most important to humans, which is other people, was not there.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“There’s a level of service that we could provide when we’re just at Harvard that we can’t provide for all of the colleges, and there’s a level of service that we can provide when we’re a college network that we wouldn’t be able to provide if we went to other types of things.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“When I was in college I did a lot of stupid things and I don’t want to make an excuse for that. Some of the things that people accuse me of are true, some of them aren’t. There are pranks, IMs.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg quotes about love
“We also have a dog. His name’s Beast. He’s a sheepdog. He’s super cute. I love him.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“If you actually do something you love it’s a lot easier and takes on a lot more purpose.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I know it sounds corny, but I’d love to improve people’s lives, especially socially… Making the world more open is not an overnight thing. It’s a ten-to-fifteen-year thing.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“We have these services that people love and that are drivers of data usage… and we want to work this out, so that way, it’s a profitable model for our partners.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg quotes about Life
“Virtual Reality is really a new communication platform. By feeling truly present, you can share unbounded spaces and experiences with the people in your life. Imagine sharing not just moments with your friends online, but entire experiences and adventures.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“With a generation of younger folks who have thrived on the success of their companies, there is a big opportunity for many of us to give back earlier in our lifetime and see the impact of our philanthropic efforts.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Hollywood has nothing to do with real life.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Helping a billion people connect is amazing, humbling and by far the thing I am most proud of in my life.” – Mark Zuckerberg
Famous Mark Zuckerberg quotes
Below you can find some famous Mark Zuckerberg quotes to inspire you:
“You can be so bad at so many things… and as long as you stay focused on how you’re providing value to your users and customers, and you have something that is unique and valuable… you get through all that stuff.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“People wait until late in their career to give back. But why wait when there is so much to be done?” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Our goal is not to build a platform; it’s to cross all of them.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I do everything on my phone as a lot of people do.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“There are many machines throughout history that were built to do something better than a human can.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I think I’ve grown and learned a lot.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I try to shrug it off as a minor annoyance that whenever I do something successful, every capitalist out there wants a piece of the action.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“It’s tough to say, exactly, what things will look like in three to five years, but there’s a lot of work to do in just moving along the path that we’ve already set out.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“The ability to share whole scenes form our lives will be a valuable thing over time.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“I don’t have an alarm clock. If someone needs to wake me up, then I have my BlackBerry next to me.” – Mark Zuckerberg
FAQs | Motivational Mark Zuckerberg quotes
Here are some the most frequently asked questions about Mark Zuckerberg and his famous quotes.
Who is Mark Zuckerberg?

Mark Zuckerberg is an American entrepreneur who launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm in 2004. He rapidly ascended to become one of the youngest self-made billionaires globally.
As CEO, Mark has guided the platform’s evolution into Meta, shaping it into a dominant force in social media and digital communication.
What is Mark Zuckerberg famous for?
Mark Zuckerberg is famous for co-founding Facebook, now Meta, transforming how people connect online. He’s also one of the world’s youngest self-made billionaires and amongst the richest people in the world.
What is a famous Mark Zuckerberg quote?
A famous quote by Mark Zuckerberg is:
“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”
This quote highlights his belief in the importance of embracing risk for innovation and progress, reflecting the mindset that fueled Facebook’s rapid growth and evolution.
What are 3 fun facts about Mark Zuckerberg?
Here are 3 fun facts about Mark Zuckerberg you need to know:
1. Color vision: Zuckerberg has red-green color blindness and sees the color blue best, which influenced Facebook’s original blue color scheme.
2. Ancient languages: He took an interest in learning ancient languages, including Latin, during his school years.
3. One dollar salary: As CEO of Facebook (now Meta), Zuckerberg has taken a symbolic annual salary of $1 since 2013, a gesture seen among some other tech leaders to show they prioritize the company’s success over personal gain.
What are Mark Zuckerberg’s top 10 rules for success?
Mark Zuckerberg’s approach to success can be distilled into several key principles, drawing from his public statements, interviews, and the trajectory of his career.
While not explicitly listed by Zuckerberg himself, these 10 rules capture the essence of his philosophy:
1. Focus on impact: Aim to make a significant impact on your field or the world.
2. Take risks: Embrace risk-taking as essential for innovation.
3. Learn from mistakes: View failures as learning opportunities.
4. Believe in your mission: Have a clear, compelling mission and commit to it fully.
5. Keep pushing forward: Persistence is critical, even when faced with challenges.
6. Stay connected: Value and maintain connections with others.
7. Build a great team: Surround yourself with talented individuals who share your vision.
8. Think big: Don’t be afraid to set ambitious goals.
9. Stay open to change: Be willing to adapt and evolve as needed.
10. Do what you love: Passion for your work will fuel your success and satisfaction.
These rules, based on what Mark Zuckerberg has done and said, provide a guide for any creator, solopreneur, or entrepreneur wanting to succeed like he has in tech and other areas.
Final thoughts on Mark Zuckerberg quotes
I hope you enjoyed this ultimate list of the best inspirational Mark Zuckerberg quotes to help you achieve success in your business and life.
“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

Mark Zuckerberg
CEO at Facebook
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