100+ Best Noah Kagan Quotes on Marketing & Business Success


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Looking for the best Noah Kagan quotes of all time? In this post, you’ll discover the ultimate collection of 100+ famous Noah Kagan quotes to inspire and motivate you.

Best Noah Kagan Quotes

Are you looking for the most inspirational Noah Kagan quotes of all time? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Noah Kagan is a serial entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author of Million Dollar Weekend and Chief Sumo of AppSumo, a leading daily deals website for software.

Noah was previously also an early employee at Mint, Facebook and Intel. His entrepreneurial journey started at Gambit, which he co-founded.

In this article, you’ll discover a collection of 100+ of the most inspiring and best Noah Kagan quotes on marketing and business success, and much more (be sure to check out the FAQ section for some bonus content as well).

Let’s get started.

Best Noah Kagan quotes of all time

Here are some of the best Noah Kagan quotes of all time I’ve come across around the web.

“Limit your Lamborghinis. Sometimes, simplicity in your thumbnails speaks louder than complexity.”

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Noah Kagan

Chief Sumo at AppSumo.com

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Noah Kagan

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My favorite business book of all time is experience.

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Noah Kagan

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A startup can focus on only one metric. So you have to decide what that is and ignore everything else.

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Noah Kagan

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Consuming is the opposite of producing.

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Noah Kagan

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When starting out, dedicate yourself to The Law of 100:

  • Put out 100 videos
  • Write 100 newsletters
  • Reach out to 100 customers

Do 100 reps of anything and you WILL get results.

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Noah Kagan

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The internet gives ANYONE the chance to have the same broadcasting power as a massive media brand.

You don’t need permission to build an audience.

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Noah Kagan

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You have to decide your own self-worth versus letting others determine it.

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Noah Kagan

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No one ever got rich checking their email more often.

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Noah Kagan

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The BEST way to get famous is to make amazing stuff.

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Noah Kagan

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Marketing is all about adding value.

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Noah Kagan

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At the gym, you’re going through suffering and pain, and you can’t do anymore, and you still come back. You must be willing to sacrifice and do the same for your company.

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Noah Kagan

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7 things you DON’T need to start a business:

  • To work 24/7
  • To be technical
  • To raise money
  • To take a big risk
  • To find cofounder
  • To build an audience
  • To spend money up front

Today, 99% of your job as a founder is possible with the right tools and automations. I’m just here to show you how.

P.S. What did I miss? Let me hear your thoughts!

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Noah Kagan

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You can’t be great at everything, but you can be good at anything.

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Noah Kagan

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You can’t be great at everything, but you can be good at anything.

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Noah Kagan

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The hard part is what separates good from great.

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Noah Kagan

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Marketing has always been about the same thing – who your customers are and where they are.

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Noah Kagan

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A true measure of an entrepreneur is how they deal with adversity.

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Noah Kagan

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I see too many people trying to “build a personal brand”.

A personal brand isn’t built, It’s attracted.

Be yourself. Share interesting ideas. Be honest and transparent.

People do business with REAL PEOPLE.

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Noah Kagan

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Go see if your weaknesses are hindering you at your job… Fix them or move to another position. Also, constantly ask yourself, “how can I make the company more valuable?” You do that and you will never get fired.

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Noah Kagan

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If you can outlast, you win.

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Noah Kagan

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I don’t know who needs to hear this but you don’t have to take cold showers to become a millionaire. 😂

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Noah Kagan

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Entrepreneurship is the ability to come up with ideas, the courage to try them out, and the mental fortitude to keep going.

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Noah Kagan

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All I want in life is a hotel where I can check in at 10 am and check out at 2 pm.

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Noah Kagan

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The reality that no one will remember you in 100 years is liberating. Life is short. Make it an adventure. “

There’s never been a better time to bet on yourself and start a business.

Best Noagh Kagan quotes image
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Noah Kagan

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Something has to change. We spend 40 hour weeks in gray cubicles, work for faceless companies, and postpone our dreams until retirement. This is crazy.

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Noah Kagan

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You shouldn’t fear failure. You should fear living a life that seems more like a resume than an adventure.

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Noah Kagan

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It’s still pretty crazy to me that a billionaire and high school kid basically own the same phone and laptop.

There’s never been a better time to bet on yourself and start a business.

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Noah Kagan

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The future of big business is small teams.

  • One person
  • No employees
  • Everything automated

Solopreneurs are the future.

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Noah Kagan

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My friend had 25,000 emails in Gmail.

Created a filter to delete everything with the word “unsubscribe” in it.

He’s now at 100.

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Noah Kagan

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It took me…

  • 20+ startups before I built AppSumo to $100M/year
  • 70+ interviews before my book hit the bestseller list
  • 500+ YouTube videos before I got major media coverage (CNBC)

Success is a game of persistance where you only need to be right once to win.

Keep going.

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Noah Kagan

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I’m the CEO of an $80 million business.

But the first 10 years of my career:

  • Rejected by Google (2x)
  • Fired by FB after 9 months
  • Built 10+ startups that didn’t work out

Here are 7 pieces of career advice (I wish I knew earlier):

1. Geography matters

If you want to play in the major leagues, you’ve got to BE in the major leagues.

  • Aspring country singer? Go to Nashville.
  • Want to be in tech? Go to the Bay Area.
  • Love acting? Go to LA.

And if you can’t be there physically, figure out how to connect online first.

2. Document your learning online

I started blogging in 2000 when I used to have hair (lol).

Not only will it help you process what you’ve learned, but you’ll build your brand and meet cool people.

They’ve come to you with ideas and even job offers, rather than you having to go begging with a resume.

3. Go after the biggest failures

Too many people are scared of failing.

They don’t realize that you need to push to the point to get the biggest possible growth and learning.

In my career, almost everything has not worked.

But the truth is… you only have to be right once to build a successful business.

4. Find something who has walked your ideal path

If you can find a mentor who is ahead of you in life, it’s wayyy easier to see if that’s what you want too.

You’ll save yourself many mistakes.

My advice?

Create value for them BEFORE you make an ask.

5. Figure out what you are an expert in

Find your superpower… then 10x it.

Surround yourself (or hire people) to complement your weaknesses.

Ex: I’m great at igniting and marketing, but struggle with consistency and sticking with things.

So I’ve surrounded myself with talented operators who move things forward.

6. Chase opportunities, but slow down for success

In my 20s, I chased to become a millionaire with Facebook games and payments, but hated it.

When my company got sued and banned by Facebook – it sounded terrible – but I was actually relieved.

It gave me an excuse to go try other more fulfilling things.

In your 20s, go try a bunch of stuff. But when you find the thing that works, slow down and enjoy it.

7. Be the hub

I’d bet 80% of my net worth is from my network.

When I graduated UC Berkley in 2004, I started hosting dinners, beer meetups, and conferences… even when I didn’t know anyone.

The people I helped at the time, like Ramit Sethi, Tim Ferriss, and Ryan Holiday ended up helping me 15 years down the line.

Action step: Spend at least one hour a week just meeting and helping people with no expectations.

BONUS: Be intentional about partner selection

Both your business partner and life partner matter a ton.

Who you are with can either drag you down or lift you up.

The big three in life are WHERE you live, WHAT you do, WHO, you do it wi

How To Start A Business In 48 Hours - Noah Kagan

Million Dollar Weekend quotes by Noah Kagan

Noah Kagan reading Million Dollar Weekend

Here are some inspiring quotes by Noah Kagan from his New York Times bestselling book Million Dollar Weekend.

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Noah Kagan

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Overthinking seems like the “smart” way to launch, but it’s far less effective. Super-successful people do the opposite – they take action first, get real feedback, and learn from that, which is a million times more valuable than any book or course. And quicker! Most people: Overthink first, act later. Every successful entrepreneur: Act first, figure it out later.

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Noah Kagan

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What percentage of your list opens every email because they feel like they know and trust you? A healthy email list has a 20 percent open rate. Target that.

Million Dollar Weekend: The Surprisingly Simple Way to Launch a 7-Figure Business in 48 Hours
$30.00 $17.99
Buy Now
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02/10/2025 08:01 pm GMT
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Noah Kagan

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Don’t be afraid to act. Be afraid of living a life that seems more like a resume than an adventure.

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Noah Kagan

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Customers don’t care about your ideas; they care about whether you can solve their problems.

And you should not build your idea into a business if you don’t know with 100 percent certainty that it’s a solution your customers will pay for.”

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Noah Kagan

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I was beginning to see that to live well as an entrepreneur, I just needed to stop thinking so much and go get busy. That meant starting small, starting fast, and not worrying about what I didn’t know. I became an expert at taking leaps. Being unafraid to start new things meant that, unlike most people, I was constantly conducting experiments in my personal and professional lives, in both big and small ways. New industries. New hobbies. New technologies. New roles. New people. New side hustles. That’s where I found my superpower, which taught me a lesson I want to pass on to you: focus above all else on being a starter, an experimenter, a learner.

How to Launch a Million-Dollar Business This Weekend — Noah Kagan (4K)
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Noah Kagan

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Most people: Overthink first, act later. Every successful entrepreneur: Act first, figure it out later.

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Noah Kagan

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The secret to my father’s mastery of selling in a language he barely spoke is one word: chutzpah. It’s the Yiddish word for moxie, nerve, audacity; it’s a determined, give-no-f*cks approach to life. When Israelis say you have chutzpah, they mean you know what you want and go for it. They mean you have endless tenacity. They mean you’ll do what it takes.

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Noah Kagan

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Next time you are overthinking and not taking action, tell yourself to prioritize taking action NOW and don’t worry about the HOW. After you do this ONCE, you quickly get momentum and it becomes easier and more natural.

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Noah Kagan

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Many struggle to make their first dollar because they are so focused on how to make their first million. Focusing on an attainable Freedom Number—even better, just dollar number one—will change the way you think: What can YOU do in your business to make money this week? Today? Right now?

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Noah Kagan

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The goal here is to document what YOU do, not what you think everyone else should do.

When you position yourself as someone who is on a journey and document your process and your progress, you become relatable, and that is what audiences long for.

Some of my most popular videos feature me failing, often. It’s fascinating that people want to see what’s really going on, not the highlight reel we think they want.

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Noah Kagan

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Then I remind myself of Rejection Goals: “This is going to suck. Let me aim to get at least twenty-five rejections.

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Noah Kagan

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Before you even think about picking a business idea, make sure you have easy access to the people you want to help.

An easy way to do this is to think about where you have easy access to a targeted group of people whom you really want to help—like, say, new moms in Austin, cyclists, freelance writers, and taco obsessives (like me!). CHALLENGE Top three groups.

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Noah Kagan

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How can you accessorize the product (for example, stickers for an iPhone) or sell a service to those people (teaching someone how to use an iPhone)?

It’s easier to sell to a large group of people who’ve already spent money on a product or service.

Some ideas could be: Customizing Nike shoes. Video game tutorial for an Xbox game. Teaching computer novices how to use a MacBook.

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Noah Kagan

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There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth . . . not going all the way, and not starting.

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Noah Kagan

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I shook my head. “So many noes. No, no, no, no. All day. Doesn’t it make you want to quit?” I asked.

My dad replied with something that would change my life: “Love rejections! Collect them like treasure!

Set rejection goals.

I shoot for a hundred rejections each week, because if you work that hard to get so many noes, my little Noah’le, in them you will find a few yeses, too.”

Maybe that’s why he named me NO-ah, to remind me of this daily to keep going. Love rejections?!

Set rejection goals?!

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Noah Kagan

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YouTube is simply the best way I’ve ever seen to grow an audience—and an audience of quality—for free.

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Noah Kagan

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The thing is, most people don’t ask for what they want.

They wish for it, they make “suggestions” and drop hints, they hope.

But the simple fact of business is that only by asking do you receive what you want.


That applies to every part of life. Seriously, every part.

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Noah Kagan

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I always advise sending your best Content Email (free course, best articles or videos, content most useful for your audience, etc.) in the beginning.

The reason is simple. For each subscriber, open rates usually start high, then decline after a few emails.

So show subscribers your best work to minimize that decline.

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Noah Kagan

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“Still stuck? Here are four questions to get you going:

  • What is one thing this morning that irritated me?
  • What is one thing on my to-do list that’s been there over a week?
  • What is one thing that I regularly fail to do well?
  • What is one thing I wanted to buy recently only to find out that no one made it?
Anyone Can Make $1M in 48 Hours Using This | Noah Kagan

FAQs | Motivational Noah Kagan quotes

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Noah Kagan and his famous quotes.

Who is Noah Kagan?

noah kagan headshot

Noah Kagan is a serial entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author of Million Dollar Weekend and Chief Sumo of AppSumo, a leading daily deals website for software. Noah has also been employed at Mint, Facebook and Intel. His entrepreneurial journey started at Gambit, which he co-founded.

What is a famous Noah Kagan quote?

One of Noah Kagan’s famous quotes is:

“Don’t try to be original, just try to be good.”

This quote by Noah Kagan means it’s more important to do things well than to be completely different. Success comes from doing a great job rather than trying to create something totally new.

Final thoughts on the top Noah Kagan quotes

I hope you enjoyed this ultimate collection of the best inspirational Noah Kagan quotes to help you achieve success in your business and life.

“Don’t try to be original, just try to be good.”

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Noah Kagan

Chief Sumo at AppSumo.com

If you found the list of Noah Kagan quotes valuable, don’t forget to share them on social media with all your creator and entrepreneur friends to inspire and motivate them.

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